
Leveraging LigoLab for Optimal Return on LIS Investment: A Guide for Lab Directors

Leveraging LigoLab for Optimal Return on LIS Investment: A Guide for Lab Directors

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In an industry that is often viewed as commoditized, what is the fundamental value proposition that your independent clinical laboratory or pathology group can offer to its customers?

That’s a question that all lab directors should be asking themselves if the goal is to grow net revenue and become more profitable while providing premium patient care in an already ultra-competitive and dynamic environment. 

So in an industry like ours that employs board-certified medical directors and processes the same types of clinical tests on the same types of analytical instruments, what differentiates one lab from the others?

“It’s the added value the lab can deliver to its customers; this is where the lab’s LIS systems and its partnerships can enable the lab to be a modern information-driven organization,” said Suren Avunjian, LigoLab’s CEO, who for nearly two decades has brought a much-needed business-oriented approach to laboratory LIS software.

According to Avunjian, there are four key questions that all laboratorians should ask before licensing a laboratory information system (LIS), thereby ensuring a healthy return on their investment.

Question #1: How Does the Laboratory Information System Provide Market Differentiation?

In the competitive landscape of medical laboratories, differentiation is crucial. The primary differentiator lies in the laboratory information systems that organize and manage these operations.

“First off, laboratories need a way to differentiate, and the key way to do this is through the information systems that they have running their operations. The big differentiator is the software and its feature sets, and this enables advanced functionality that helps labs better support, sustain, and grow their customer bases.” 

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

The Power of Laboratory Information System Software in Laboratory Differentiation

According to Avunjian, the LIS software and its feature sets are differentiators. They enable advanced functionality that helps labs:

  • Better support their customer bases
  • Sustain their operations with more efficient laboratory workflow
  • Grow their test menu and customer bases

This differentiation is not just about standing out in the market, but also about providing superior services that directly impact patient care and customer satisfaction.

As an example, Avunjian noted LigoLab Informatics Platform addresses the many unique things that providers often require.

“Our platform gives users the power to intuitively configure preferences, rules, and automation to support all customer preferences. This translates into quicker turnaround times, which remains a huge factor for labs. Faster results and bespoke reports equal happier customers and better patient care.”

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

The LigoLab LIS System Advantage: Delivering Value Beyond Speed

LigoLab Informatics Platform offers more than just speed; it provides a level of customization and flexibility that is unparalleled in the industry. 

This unique feature allows independent labs to tailor their operations to better meet the diverse needs of their customers, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

  • Powering innovation in lab operations: The LigoLab Platform's customization capabilities empower labs to innovate their operations. Labs can experiment with new workflows, introduce novel services, and optimize their clinical lab workflow, all within the flexible framework provided by the platform. This ability to be agile is a powerful differentiator in the market, setting labs equipped with the LigoLab Platform apart from their competitors.
  • Driving growth and profitability: By enhancing customer satisfaction, strengthening customer relationships, and enabling innovation, the LigoLab Platform ultimately drives growth and profitability. Labs equipped with the platform can expand their customer base, increase their revenue, and improve their bottom line, making the LigoLab Platform a valuable investment for any lab.
LIS System

Question #2: Does the Laboratory Information System Serve as One Source of Truth?

A complete LIS should not only provide market differentiation but also serve as a single source of truth for all lab data, supporting every department, role, and lab workflow.

LigoLab Informatics Platform: A Comprehensive LIS System Software

LigoLab Informatics Platform is the most comprehensive system on the market for growing laboratories. We provide lab operators with an end-to-end solution and one source of truth.”

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

The LigoLab Platform is a fully-featured LIS system designed for growing laboratories. It offers:

  • An end-to-end solution for lab operators, that includes a laboratory billing module and support for digital pathology workflow
  • A single source of truth for all laboratory data

This comprehensive lab information system stores all patient and specimen data in one powerful database, eliminating data silos and the need for multiple integrations with middleware and other disparate software solutions.

“The word “Ligo” means “to unite” or “to connect” in Latin, and that’s our philosophy, to provide one solution and one LIS software vendor that manages all of the data that flows into and out of the laboratory, enabling labs to become super-efficient and lab operators to focus on what they do best.”

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

Modules & Engines: The Building Blocks of LigoLab’s Laboratory Information Management System

The LigoLab Platform includes modules for anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, molecular diagnostics, revenue cycle management, and direct-to-consumer

These modules are supported by several additional supporting modules and supporting engines, making LigoLab’s laboratory information management system the most comprehensive available. These laboratory information system functions include:

Supporting Modules:

  • Specimen Handling
  • Provider Outreach
  • Patient Portal
  • Document Imaging
  • Send-out Tracking
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  • Digital Pathology
  • Business Intelligence

Supporting Engines:

LigoLab: A Medical LIS Partner for Growth & Efficiency

LigoLab serves as a medical LIS partner that can replace multiple and outdated software systems within a lab, eliminating barriers that prevent data integrity and promoting growth. 

“We’re a partner that can replace multiple and outdated systems within a lab that create barriers and prevent growth. At the same time, we also realize that every laboratory is very unique. That's why we made our system both comprehensive and extremely flexible.”

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

Recognizing that every independent medical laboratory is unique, LigoLab has designed its LIS system to be both comprehensive and extremely flexible. This flexibility allows labs to tailor the medical LIS to their specific needs, enhancing efficiency and allowing lab operators to focus on what they do best.

Question #3: Is the Laboratory Information System Software Highly Configurable?

Flexibility is a critical factor in a LIS system. It allows labs to adapt to changing needs and demands, providing a competitive edge.

LigoLab’s LIS System: A Model of Flexibility for Clinical Laboratory Management

LigoLab’s LIS system offering stands out in the industry for its high configurability. 

“Of course, we are always available to help them as needed, but what our customers love the most is the flexibility that the platform gives them. Once trained, they can make configuration changes on the fly without any IT assistance.”

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

This enterprise-level LIS system includes medical laboratory solutions that users can use to easily modify configurations for report templates and platform rules, providing a level of flexibility that is unique within the industry.

  • User-centric configuration: What sets LigoLab apart is the power it gives to its users. Once trained, users can make configuration changes on the fly without any IT assistance. This user-centric approach not only enhances operational efficiency but also empowers users, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement.
  • Cost-effective adjustments: In most LIS systems, even minor configuration adjustments require IT and external assistance, which can be prohibitive in terms of time and cost. However, with LigoLab's pathology software, users can make these adjustments themselves, resulting in significant savings.

Adapting to Change: The LigoLab Advantage

The LigoLab LIS system is a pathology management software designed to adapt as the environment changes. This adaptability was evident during the COVID-19 pandemic when many LigoLab customers experienced rapid growth and yet experienced no downtime thanks to the company’s molecular LIS solution.

“During the pandemic, many of our customers experienced rapid growth because they were able to swiftly adapt to the new laboratory workflows made necessary by COVID-19. Credit goes to both our company and our customers for having the entrepreneurial spirit and the foundation to adapt quickly to those changes. To not only process the additional volume efficiently but to also swiftly support the changing marketplace while fighting on the frontline of a pandemic.” 

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

Laboratory Information System

Question #4: Does the Laboratory Information System Create Barrier-Breaking Efficiency?

Efficiency is a critical factor in any laboratory operation it’s a game-changer. A highly efficient LIS system can spur growth, eliminate mistakes, and break down barriers to scalability and compliance.

LigoLab Platform: Driving End-to-End Efficiency

The LigoLab Platform creates end-to-end efficiency within a laboratory, serving as a powerful force that drives growth and eliminates mistakes. This efficiency is achieved through:

  • Workflows driven by automation and rules
  • High levels of functionality, reliability, and scalability

“Many of our lab partners migrated from homegrown or legacy LIS systems that lacked functionality, reliability, and scalability. Our platform drives workflows supported by automation and rules that help laboratories attain the highest levels of efficiency and become virtually error-free.”

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

Overcoming Legacy System Limitations & Enhancing Scalability

Many of LigoLab's lab partners previously relied on homegrown or legacy systems that lacked essential functionality, reliability, and scalability. These limitations often resulted in bottlenecks and barriers, preventing labs from achieving their desired scalability and compliance.

“That’s the reason why lab directors implement LIS systems like ours. It’s because they’ve hit a limit on how much they can grow and process with their current system(s) and the manual workarounds, and they need a system that will help them break that artificial ceiling that’s holding them back as an organization.”

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

The LigoLab Platform offers a significant upgrade from these legacy laboratory software systems. It helps laboratories attain the highest levels of efficiency and become virtually error-free. Moreover, the efficiency generated by LigoLab’s LIS software directly targets and eliminates the bottlenecks and barriers that were previously holding labs back.

With LigoLab, independent clinical labs and pathology groups can reach their full potential as organizations, achieving growth and compliance that was previously out of reach.

Measuring ROI from Your LIS Investment

Determining the ROI of a laboratory information system investment is crucial for lab directors. But how exactly should this be measured?

“The best way to measure ROI is if a lab can scale without adding FTEs. Without fail, when our new customers first deploy our platform, they quickly realize that they can take on more business without adding personnel.”

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

Direct & Indirect Benefits of LigoLab’s LIS System

After implementing LigoLab’s laboratory information management system, customers enjoy several direct and indirect benefits:

  • Heightened data visibility for quick and informed decision-making
  • A single source of truth for better lab data management
  • Increased revenue without additional operating costs
  • Improved staff retention
  • Improved turnaround times (TAT)
  • Enhanced customer service and satisfaction
  • A reduction in errors
  • Decreased compliance risk

The LigoLab Advantage: No Need for Multiple Systems

Having an all-in-one LIS system that can manage and support multiple disciplines (anatomic pathology, clinical laboratory, and molecular diagnostics) plus lab billing is a significant competitive advantage. 

This advantage translates into a value proposition for today and a future-ready growth plan for tomorrow.

“Even if a lab is just doing pathology today, that lab’s leadership knows that with our platform, there is the potential to bring on other types of testing and a fully integrated revenue cycle management module (RCM) without having to go and buy another system.”

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

With LigoLab's game-changing LIS software, labs can bring on new tests and disciplines without a huge and costly implementation process or the need to synchronize multiple systems.

“I can go on for hours talking about all of the disadvantages that come with having multiple software systems.”

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

LigoLab's Pricing Model: Rewarding Growth & Fostering Long-Term Success

Choosing the best LIS, one that aligns with a laboratory's long-term success is crucial, and this alignment is often reflected in the pricing model presented by the best laboratory information system vendors. LigoLab's pricing model is designed in this regard to share risk, reward growth, foster long-term partnerships, and provide exceptional value.

A Client-Centric Pricing Model

LigoLab's pricing model is uniquely designed with the client's growth and prosperity in mind. This model is not just about cost; it's about investing in your lab's future success. 

“We purely believe in aligning and partnering with our clients. That’s why we set up a pricing model with relatively small upfront costs.”

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

Here's how it adds value:

  • Tailored to your lab's needs: The pricing model is based on your lab's monthly volume and the type of testing being processed within the LIS system.
  • Minimal upfront costs: LigoLab understands the financial constraints that many labs face. That's why they've designed their pricing model with relatively small upfront costs for training and LIS system implementation.
  • An incentive for continuous enhancement: As your lab grows and prospers, so does LigoLab’s level of LIS software report. This unique alignment of interests provides a real incentive for LigoLab to continually enhance its platform with regular updates and improvements that add value to your operations.
  • A partnership for growth: With LigoLab's pricing model, you're not just purchasing pathology lab report software; you're entering into a true partnership. LigoLab is committed to your lab's growth and success, and its pricing model (low upfront costs and aligned pricing) reflects this commitment.

A Partnership Approach to Client Relationships

LigoLab's approach to client relationships is fundamentally different from many LIS system competitors. They view each interaction as an opportunity to add value, strengthen the partnership, and enhance client satisfaction. 

“It’s a very different model than our competitors, who, after selling to clients, would rather deal with them as little as possible because they see that as an extra cost.”

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

Here's how this approach benefits your lab:

  • Active engagement post-sale: Unlike competitors who may limit interaction after the sale, LigoLab maintains active engagement with clients and encourages business growth and suggestions for LIS system enhancements. They see every interaction as an opportunity to understand your needs better, provide support, and add value to your lab business.
  • Value-adding interactions: Each interaction with LigoLab is not just a conversation; it's an opportunity for value addition. Whether it's providing support, understanding your evolving needs, or sharing insights for improvement, LigoLab uses every touchpoint to enhance your experience and operations.
  • Strengthening partnerships: LigoLab believes in building strong partnerships with its clients. They are committed to your lab's success and work closely with you to ensure their platform meets your needs and contributes to your growth.

Proven Track Record & Transparent Pricing

LigoLab's nearly 20 years of business success and transparent pricing model demonstrate their commitment to building trust and delivering value to their clients. 

“For us, every interaction is an investment back into our own company, and in our nearly 20 years of doing business, we haven't had a single customer decide to change from our system to another. That speaks volumes about the software, and also our service.”

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

Here's how this commitment benefits your lab:

  • Proven track record: LigoLab has a proven track record of client satisfaction and retention. In nearly 20 years of doing business, not a single customer has switched from their LIS system to another.
  • Serving a wide range of laboratories: LigoLab currently serves over 200+ laboratory facilities nationwide. This wide range of clients includes independent anatomic pathology groups, plus clinical and reference laboratories. 
  • Transparent pricing: LigoLab offers transparent pricing with no hidden fees. This means you know exactly what you're paying for, with no surprises or unexpected costs for upgrades and more seats, modules, and support.

The combination of a growth-oriented pricing model, a partnership approach to client relationships, and a proven track record of client satisfaction makes LigoLab an unmatched value proposition among laboratory information system vendors.

Unparalleled Customer Service & Support: A Key Differentiator

LigoLab's commitment to customer service is a cornerstone of its long-term client partnerships. 

This dedication is evident in every aspect of their customer support, from implementation to go-live and beyond.

24/7 Support: A Partner in Your Success

LigoLab provides its lab partners with unlimited support delivered by its best-in-class personnel. This 24/7 level of dedication to the customer isn’t the norm within the industry. 

However, it aligns perfectly with LigoLab's core belief of being a partner that takes full responsibility for all lab information system needs.

Quality & Responsiveness: The Cornerstones of Excellent Service

“Our partnership philosophy continues to serve us well, as does our belief that the quality and the responsiveness of the support we offer is equally important as the software itself. I don’t think anyone can match the level of service we provide our customers. It’s a driving force that’s led to mutual success for our partners and us in the marketplace.”

- Suren Avunjian, LigoLab CEO

This means that with LigoLab, you're not just getting a LIS software solution, but also a dedicated LIS lab partner committed to your success. This level of service has led to mutual success for LigoLab and its clients in the marketplace.

LigoLab provides its customers with a powerful all-in-one LIS software solution (one that includes billing software for labs), takes full responsibility for all laboratory data, and acts as a lab’s informatics department. This includes delivering unlimited customization, support, and maintenance. 

Logo LigoLab

LigoLab: An Award-Winning Laboratory Informatics Platform

LigoLab customers have long known what makes the LigoLab Platform a standout lab organization software, and the word is getting out. 

Here's a look at some of the accolades LigoLab has received:

Recognitions & Awards

  • Frost & Sullivan 2022 Competitive Strategy Leadership Award: This prestigious award recognizes LigoLab's strategic thought leadership and customer impact in the North American LIS system market.
  • High Performer Status on G2: LigoLab has repeatedly earned High Performer status from G2, a leading business software review site. This status is awarded based on high customer satisfaction scores and market presence.
  • Emerging Favorite on Capterra: LigoLab has also been recognized as an Emerging Favorite in the medical laboratory billing software category by Capterra, a leading online resource for business software buyers.

These recognitions underscore LigoLab's commitment to providing the best LIS software that meets the needs of today's diverse independent clinical laboratories and pathology groups.

Ready to Learn More?

Interested in how LigoLab can help you achieve your laboratory goals? Use the form below to connect with our LIS software experts for a free consultation and get your LIS system software questions answered. 

Ashley Ferro
Ashley Ferro is a content writer with 4+ years of experience creating engaging, SEO-friendly content across various topics ranging from service delivery, customer experience, onboarding, to workflow management. When she's not writing, Ashley loves traveling, trying new foods, and playing with her dog!

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