
Medical Lab Management Software

Medical Lab Management Software

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Every anatomic pathology practice and clinical and molecular laboratory needs an effective pathology lab management system. Sample tracking and patient and sample data management are the basic elements of any medical lab operation, as are laboratory information systems (LIS abbreviation medical). That’s because manual tracking and processing are time-consuming and are often subject to human error – which is far from ideal and threatens patient safety. To ensure smooth pathology lab management, medical labs are increasingly employing modern laboratory information systems (also known as LIS systems and pathology lab reporting software) that leverage rules and automation and feature several important modules that allow for a seamless and efficient lab operation. In this article, we will discuss how lab these medical laboratory solutions contribute to an efficient and optimized clinical laboratory workflow.

laboratory workflow management system

The Importance of Clinical Laboratory Management Software

Just as electronic health records (EHR) have become central to hospitals and clinics, clinical laboratory management software is key to the efficient running of a clinical lab or pathology group. 

There are two types of laboratory software systems available to lab managers, but only one type is truly geared toward clinical laboratory management.

Laboratory information systems (also known as medical LIS or pathology LIS systems), focus on test results and patient information; they are patient-centric and designed by laboratory information system companies to be flexible in terms of customization and highly connective in terms of interoperability with other laboratory software systems. 

Laboratory information management systems (lab LIMS), on the other hand, are geared more toward batch sample management in other non-medical environments like chemical, environmental, and food and beverage labs. Truth be told, the terms are often used interchangeably throughout the medical lab industry, but this is changing as modern laboratory information system functions have become much more medical laboratory-specific. 

What is Clinical Laboratory Management Software?

Laboratory software systems like the LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Informatics Platform are examples of laboratory information systems used for clinical laboratory management to improve a lab’s productivity. A modern lab information system is a member of the team, a manager, and an administrator. It automates lab workflow and tracks all important aspects of a laboratory's operational processes. It ensures that all instruments and analyzers are working properly, and it can help manage efficiency and costs by tracking samples, standardizing protocols, and making sure that no human errors occur. 

LIS software vendors note that the best LIS for each medical laboratory is different, and it all depends on the labs’ needs. However, basic laboratory information system functions center on keeping track of data from patients, samples, and test results.

With the help of this type of clinical laboratory management software, laboratories can be sure that they adhere to quality standards and are in compliance with regulatory requirements. By selecting the best laboratory information system for their needs, they can also maximize the efficiency of all laboratory processes, and effectively and optimally allocate their staff and resources to the benefit of the business. 

The Benefits of Laboratory Information Systems

Every medical lab has different needs, and the best laboratory information system software must be adaptable to these needs. For example, anatomic pathology software needs to interface with very different instruments than molecular lab testing software. The best LIS lab software is software that can be completely personalized for the laboratory that uses it. 

There are some basic features that each medical laboratory information system contains, and here is a list that includes examples of these features. 

Help with Sample Management and Sample Tracking 

One of the key functions of the LIS laboratory information system is to facilitate effective pathology lab management of the samples passing through the lab. This includes protocols for safekeeping, proper handling, data quality, and a proper chain of testing procedures. It also includes shipment and transport, inventory location, and keeping track of prior testing procedures and results. 

Lab Workflow Management of Instruments and Inventory 

The best medical laboratory solutions for LIS software can also monitor the lab’s instruments, their work schedule, and maintenance. This can include a variety of tasks such as keeping track of storage capacity, giving instructions for proper usage, notification of possible dysfunctionality of an instrument, and so on.

Help with Laboratory and Team Management 

LIS system software helps with the proper management of the workforce and instruments. It can ensure efficient timelines, use of resources, queued samples, and procedures. With its help, the lab manager can productively allocate people, equipment, and resources to optimize lab workflow. 

Pathology Lab Reporting Software and Data Analysis

Rather than needing separate pathology software, advanced LIS medical systems will take care of this crucial aspect of laboratory workflow by managing all data analysis and the proper reporting of results. The information extracted from samples can be compiled, shared, audited, and analyzed through the LIS system. 

Compliance with Regulations and Protocols 

Working with samples, reagents, and pathogens requires a strict procedure for storage, handling, and conduct. LIS systems can automate these processes and make sure that the work is compliant with regulations. These systems facilitate routine quality control assessments and reports to regulatory agencies.

Secure Data Storage and Easy Sharing

With the help of advanced laboratory information systems, laboratories can be sure that confidential patient data will be protected. An online pathology lab management system uses cloud-based storage and thus makes sure that all the data and databases are safely kept, secured, and backed up. Furthermore, this way of keeping a digital impression of results on a cloud ensures easy communication and result sharing with other laboratories, hospitals, clients, or institutions. 

Helps with Laboratory Billing and Lab Revenue Cycle Management

A lab information system review underlines the importance of laboratory billing features that reside in the LIS system (billing software for labs). While separate medical lab billing software is an option, an all-in-one laboratory information system and lab revenue cycle management solution that is fully integrated allows for automated lab billing with much fewer denials, secure transactions, timely payments, and much better overall revenue capture. 

The best LIS software will seamlessly combine patient demographics, lab requests, medical insurance data, and financial information all in one united lab workflow to reduce denials and the time spent processing insurance claims and chasing payments.

Laboratory Billing

Other Uses for Clinical Laboratory Management Software

Laboratory information system LIS can be implemented in various lab environments to centralize all processes and create efficiency that leads to scalability. The basic functionalities are the same; however, each type is customized for specific needs.

Whatever the lab environment, LIS systems make sure that all steps and requirements are taken and protocols followed. That list can include the following. 

  • Time management 
  • Cost management
  • Preparation, storage, and processing of samples
  • Data collection and storage of information 
  • Compliance with standard operating procedures

Laboratory information system software not only saves time and resources but also standardizes the whole lab workflow process, which is critical for any type of research.

Laboratory Workflow

The Last Word on Laboratory Information System Software

Laboratory information system software is one of the most important tools that lab professionals use to efficiently conduct their laboratory work. By coordinating sample handling, sample tracking, procedural standardization, data storage, team and resource management, and laboratory billing, the best LIS software can transform the efficiency of the entire lab. It’s one of the most valued “team members” in a laboratory, regardless of whether it’s customized anatomic pathology software or a broader LIS system (LIS healthcare). 

Michael Kalinowski
Michael Handles Marketing and Communications for LigoLab

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