Is Your Pathology Lab Reporting Software System Outdated and Lacking Functionality?
February 4, 2025
The digital transformation of clinical reference labs and pathology groups is advancing rapidly.
Modern pathology lab reporting software (laboratory information system software) improves everything from specimen collection and sample tracking to laboratory workflow management and reporting. While labs are the big winners in this pathology lab reporting software race to the moon, patients are winning too. This is especially true when it comes to patient reporting and record keeping.
Thanks to LigoLab’s all-in-one laboratory information system and laboratory billing (laboratory revenue cycle management) platform and the TestDirectly Direct-to-Consumer Lab Testing Web Portal (, patient reports that were once kept on paper, in triplicate, and confined to folders and filing cabinets are now available electronically via pathology lab reporting software for easy access and sharing.
The days of a report delivered by postal carrier or phone call are also long gone. Reports can now be sent remotely to the laboratory’s clients, and instantly to patients via web portals, with email and text message notifications alerting patients to check their results.
Learn More: The Best Laboratory Information System Companies and the Advantages They Offer to Their Laboratory Clients
Modern laboratory information system technology is driving change and results reporting has also become more frictionless thanks to a 2014 ruling by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
That year, the DHHS issued a final rule allowing patients with verified IDs (or their verified representatives) direct access to laboratory test reports before results are sent to a health practitioner.
This DHHS ruling created significant efficiencies enabling labs to connect directly with patients. It has also empowered patients to be more active in their healthcare decisions.
On-Demand Webinar: Learn How to Expand Your Lab’s Services and Add Lab Billing Revenue with Direct-to-Consumer Lab Testing
What’s in a Laboratory Information System Report and Why?
Although beneficial in many ways, easier access to test results also gives patients greater responsibility. They may encounter complex test results on lab reports without understanding the context in which providers use results to make treatment decisions. This first requires patients to educate themselves about their test results - the purpose and meaning - and second, laboratory information system vendors like LigoLab to work closely with their laboratory customers to develop customizable and more patient-friendly reports.
The items included in most lab reports deal with administrative or clerical information, such as patient name and identification number, date report printed, test report date, name of the doctor or legally authorized person ordering the test(s), and more. However, lab reports also include complex things like laboratory accession number, name of the test performed, test result, units of measurement (for quantitative results), reference intervals (or reference ranges), condition of the specimen, and much much more.
With so many variables, labs must be prepared to implement pathology lab report software reporting features that can be completely customized and constructed for patients, easily allowing them to find and comprehend what the test results mean.
Learn More: How LigoLab's Pathology Lab Software Supports Lab Report Customization and Client Preferences

The Importance of Pathology Lab Reporting Software with LIS System Customization
Not all laboratory information system companies and LIS software vendors offer fully customizable lab reports, meaning medical labs with this capability are at a definite advantage.
For example, the LigoLab platform excels where legacy laboratory information systems can’t because it features high-performance reporting and distribution engines that create the rule-based formatting and uniform presentation all modern labs desire. These engines support the full-text richness of Word (format, size, colors, highlights, tables, bullet points, etc.), images, diagrams, annotations, macros, conditional rules, dictation to text, and CAP cancer protocol templates.
Can your legacy LIS laboratory information system do that?
With your current pathology lab reporting software solution, do you have the freedom to customize the patient info header?
The diagnosis?
The comments?
What about the gross description, microscopic findings, and patient history?
Does your pathology lab reporting software allow you to enhance the reports with images and diagrams?
If the answer is no or mostly no to everything listed above, it may be time to explore what an alternative pathology LIS software can do - one with the robust features and laboratory information system functions that modern lab operations demand.
Just as important, LigoLab’s reporting and distribution engines also cater to your laboratory customers by offering multiple distribution options. Options include provider portal, patient portal, outreach software, EMR/EHR, fax, secure email, in-house printing, PDF drops, APIs, IVR, SMS, and remote print server.
Learn More: How Modern Laboratories Produce and Distribute Reports
Pathology Lab Reporting Software With Remote Access for Orders and Results
What if I told you there was a free and easy-to-install pathology lab reporting software solution for remote orders and remote test results, and the pathology software solution didn’t involve any middleware or third-party service for this kind of outreach?
Would you be interested in learning more?
LigoLab’s LIS system software application for outreach is called LigoLab Connect, one of several supporting modules and engines that wrap around the all-in-one LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Informatics Platform.
When all laboratory information system functions are combined into one unified database and LIS lab software infrastructure, the result is the most comprehensive healthcare LIS in the marketplace.
Learn More: Learn Why Leading Clinical Laboratories Continue to Choose Our LIS System
LigoLab Connect is a secure Java-based internet application that enables remote interactions between the laboratory and its client base. Users can receive and search for reports, pull cumulative charts, fax out of the system, and gain access to all patient-related scanned documents.
Additionally, LigoLab Connect can be branded to have the look and feel of your laboratory while serving as an extension of the business and reducing incoming client service calls.
Learn More: LigoLab’s Provider Portal Facilitates Faster Order Processing and Improved LIS Pathology Turnaround Times

The Advantages of Pathology Report Software Engineered for Direct-to-Consumer Lab Testing
For easy access and distribution of lab reports to patients, the TestDirectly direct-to-consumer lab testing portal checks both boxes.
This LIS medical application is the latest addition to LigoLab’s feature-rich informatics platform. TestDirectly gives patients the power to order and schedule the tests they need conveniently from any electronic device, while at the same time making it easier for pathology LIS systems to collect and process specimens, and report safe, fast, and accurate test results directly to patients via customizable consumer lab reports, minus the paper forms and the data entry errors and delays associated with more traditional direct-to-consumer lab testing/LIS models.
Lab operators take note, TestDirectly is easy to implement (the application typically takes two weeks to a month to go from planning to going live) and it integrates with all leading examples of laboratory information and lab revenue cycle management (lab RCM) systems. In essence, it acts like an EHR with laboratory information system functionality.
TestDirectly supports patient and family self-registration and scheduling, capacity management, specimen collection, specimen tracking and processing, lab billing, and compliance. With TestDirectly and lab workflow, report delivery is automated via email, SMS, portal, or interface. This includes reporting to public health departments and government agencies in every state.
Just as important, TestDirectly delivers a better patient experience and gives laboratories and other providers the pathology lab software tools they need to boost testing capacity, improve turnaround times (TestDirectly results time), and support drive-through, walk-up, at-home, and all other forms of direct-to-consumer lab testing.
Learn More: Highlighting the Versatility of the TestDirectly Direct-to-Consumer Lab Testing Portal
Innovative Laboratory Information Systems: A LigoLab Commitment
LigoLab’s approach to pathology lab reporting software in general and laboratory information system software specifically is just one example of how the LIS company values its customers.
By offering customers a path to achievable and sustainable success with a comprehensive and flexible LIS software platform that assumes full responsibility for all of their technical, financial, and administrative operations, LigoLab sets itself apart from other laboratory information system vendors and positions itself as the best laboratory information system software provider.
To learn more about LigoLab’s all-in-one medical LIS and laboratory billing platform that includes powerful and fully integrated modules for anatomic pathology (anatomic pathology LIS), clinical pathology (medical LIS), molecular diagnostics (molecular LIS), lab revenue cycle management (lab RCM), and direct-to-consumer lab testing, request your LIS software demo or a brief consultation with a product specialist today.