
Learn Why Leading Clinical Laboratories Continue to Choose our LIS System and Why You Should Consider it Too

Learn Why Leading Clinical Laboratories Continue to Choose our LIS System and Why You Should Consider it Too

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Editor’s Note: In honor of the holiday season, here’s a sneak peek at a new marketing video that we at LigoLab have been working on for the new year. What follows is a look at a script that highlights laboratory information system (LIS) functionality, and the script is supported by several screenshots from the video that’s nearing completion. 

LigoLab’s LIS system caters to mid-to-large-sized anatomic pathology groups and clinical and reference laboratories (including molecular testing labs), and during this soon-to-be-released video production, we go into great detail to explain why it should be considered by all clinical laboratories in need of a LIS software upgrade to not only protect the business but differentiate from others in this very competitive industry. 

Look for the official release of this new video soon. In the meantime please enjoy this sneak preview and Happy Holidays from LigoLab Information Systems!

For those of you unfamiliar with LigoLab Operating Platform and its LIS and RCM solutions, welcome and thank you for your attention. The goal of this brief presentation is to show you what the platform is, who uses it, and why it might be just what your laboratory needs in this dynamic environment.

LigoLab Operating Platform is an all-in-one laboratory management solution that helps organizations differentiate in their marketplace, remove bottlenecks, and operate more effectively. It does this by heavily automating core processes and providing real-time visibility into both operational and financial performance. The platform offers a single, embedded suite of applications for every diagnostic discipline, including patient engagement, billing management, specimen tracking, case and test processing and reporting, rule and automation engines, outreach solutions, document scanning, digital pathology, CRM, and much more. It also solves laboratory interoperability issues thanks to an interface engine that maximizes connectivity with instruments, EHRs, and third parties. All this enables laboratories to do more with less and drives transparency into their operations and tighter control over their businesses, thus allowing them to scale faster.

Operating Platform

Over 200 laboratory facilities nationwide have chosen the platform and that number continues to grow because mid to large-sized pathology groups and clinical and reference laboratories simply need a better software solution to modernize their operations, improve their processes, and protect against external threats like labor shortages, rising operational costs, and falling margins. 

So why choose LigoLab? 

Benefits include the future-proofing of your business through the operational efficiency and market differentiation that comes with replacing multiple systems with one comprehensive and highly flexible platform. One that supports anatomic pathology, clinical laboratory, molecular diagnostics, genomics, and toxicology testing. With LigoLab Operating Platform, laboratories can retain their current customers and expand services to bring on new ones, too. 

Operating Platform

Unlike rigid and legacy LIS systems with bolted-on modules that claim to be integrated, LigoLab Operating Platform was founded on the principle of one source of truth for laboratory data. The platform features interwoven LIS and RCM modules that ensure data integrity and enable the billing cycle to start as the order comes into the lab, making it no longer a backend process. This is a huge advantage for laboratories because it drastically improves demographic checking and clean claims, and it leads to significantly higher first-pass pay rates, reducing denials and compliance risk. 

So how does LigoLab Operating Platform rate in terms of cost? 

Unlike the alternatives, LigoLab shares the risk of a successful implementation and is vested in your laboratory’s growth. The company doesn’t nickel and dime its customers with expensive add-ons and hidden fees, and it doesn’t charge per seat, module, or upgrade. Instead, it offers a transactional partnership model that aligns with a lab’s throughput while including everything a laboratory needs to be successful. No large upfront capital investment is required to license the platform, and all future upgrades, support, and training are included with the license. LigoLab takes responsibility for all of your organization’s information system needs so you can focus on growing your laboratory.

LigoLab Operating Platform

What about software support?

No other vendor can match the responsiveness and best practice guidance that LigoLab offers, or the pace at which the company develops enhancements and features to the platform. Lab operators can rest assured knowing that when they choose LigoLab, they're choosing a future-ready platform that is constantly evolving. 

For nearly two decades, LigoLab Operating Platform has supported and enhanced every role, every department, and every case lifecycle within the laboratories that it has partnered with, transforming them into modern, scalable, and profitable businesses. We look forward to doing the same for you and your laboratory. 

LigoLab Operating Platform

To learn more about the power behind LigoLab Operating Platform and how it helps laboratories become more efficient, more interoperable, and more profitable, we invite you to click on the links below or even better, take a minute to fill out our form and schedule a quick call with one of our talented product specialists. 


Best LIS Software - Maximize Growth With Cutting-Edge Solutions For Clinical & Pathology Labs

Comparing LigoLab Operating Platform with Legacy Laboratory Information System Software

How Labs Can Achieve Financial Stability During Turbulent Times

Michael Kalinowski
Michael Handles Marketing and Communications for LigoLab

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