
The LigoLab partnership with Summit Pathology – A success story

The LigoLab partnership with Summit Pathology – A success story

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Joseph Guido is curious by nature and a few years back he found himself intrigued with the Laboratory Information System he was using as a Gross Tech at Summit Pathology in Loveland, Colorado.  It seemed to him that there was a lot more power behind the system than what his lab was actually using.  He had a hunch and wanted to learn more.

Guido, now the Director of Information Technology for Summit Pathology, was right, and that hunch helped path the way for a very successful partnership that continues to thrive between Summit Pathology and LigoLab LLC, developers of the all-in-one LigoLab AP/LIS + RCM platform.  The platform caters to Anatomic Pathology (AP), Clinical Pathology (CP) and Molecular Diagnostics (MDx) labs that understand the need to adapt and innovate to stay relevant in a fast-changing industry. 

 “A few years ago, LigoLab held a user conference and they invited me to come,” said Guido.  “I attended and it was intense.  I experienced workshops with developers, with the help desk and with support.  It was a lot of hands on stuff that you don’t get with a lot of companies.”

Guido took what he learned during the workshops and quickly started to implement the changes needed to spur growth and improve patient care.

“We have grown from 10 to 23 pathologists,” said Guido.  “We have offices all over northern Colorado and down to Colorado Springs, and we recently opened offices in Cheyenne, Wyoming.  We cover so much more area now, and the efficiencies we gained from partnering with LigoLab enabled us to grow.”

The success story out of Loveland has been repeated countless times nationwide.  A partnership with LigoLab allows laboratories to significantly grow their practices, achieve quicker turnaround, optimize workflow and eliminate errors and safety issues.  

LigoLab has never lost a single client to a competitor, thanks to its dynamic software technology and its superior customer service.

 “The support with LigoLab is unique,” continued Guido.  “I don’t have that with others when I’m working with other EMRs.  I don’t get the same hands on contact that I get when working with LigoLab.”

“I’ve never had an outstanding problem that wasn’t solved with the help that LigoLab provides,” said Guido, who cited an improved QC process as an example where the lab is now quickly able to track and identify mistakes users are making, and then take corrective action.

“The beauty of it is that we’re able to push these specimens along and then fix the problems as we’re processing, so the turnaround time for the patient is paramount.  That’s been a huge success.  The pathologists love it, and at the end of the day its serves our patients in the best possible way.”

“There is so much information captured in LigoLab, and then you’re able to specifically drill down and take whatever information you need,” said Guido.  “From order entry, to grossing, to histology to case signout – this specimen starts off as tissue and then ends up as a glass slide for diagnosis, and it is able to be tracked the entire way through.”

Guido believes your LIS platform should serve you, the pathologist, and that you shouldn’t have to do a lot of workarounds or go out of the system you have and depend on another piece of software to solve a problem.

“In so many of the labs that I’ve visited, they’ve had so much middleware and they’ve had to run these programs in parallel.  With LigoLab, it’s amazing because it’s all built in – and if it’s not built in – they’re pretty good about building it for you.”

“If you can think of a new process to overcome a problem, track quality or improve client relationships, it can all be done within this LIS.” 

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LigoLab LLC is a thriving business in Los Angeles that specializes in software development for pathology laboratories, no matter the size.  LigoLab competes with the giants of the laboratory industry thanks to its unique pricing model and its all-in-one Laboratory Information System (LIS) and Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) platform, LigoLab AP/LIS + RCM.  

For more information visit LigoLab.com.  To request a LigoLab AP/LIS + RCM demonstration, contact Suren Avunjian at (818) 395-4659 or suren@ligolab.com.

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