
LigoLab’s Advanced Tier: The Ideal Fit for Expansive High-Volume Laboratories Seeking Top-Level Efficiency, Automation, and Insight

LigoLab’s Advanced Tier: The Ideal Fit for Expansive High-Volume Laboratories Seeking Top-Level Efficiency, Automation, and Insight

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If you’ve read our recent blog posts focused on Ligolab’s new tiered pricing model for laboratory information system software, you know these options reflect our company’s way of challenging the one-size-fits-all mentality that currently dominates the medical laboratory industry. 

As a forward-thinking LIS company, we at LigoLab firmly reject this flawed approach because it doesn’t serve the best interests of the independent clinical laboratories and pathology groups that already have enough challenges to overcome, or the patients who trust them for such a vital role in healthcare. We believe these clinical and pathology laboratories deserve better and more adaptable LIS software solutions that can accommodate their distinct requirements, workflows, and growth strategies as they evolve from start-up to enterprise organizations.

It’s because of this strong belief that we’ve created four platform tiers for our new customers to choose from, giving them the flexibility to select which tier works best for them while also putting them on a foundational path to future success, a worry-free path because they will no longer need to worry about switching LIS systems as the lab expands its reach and capabilities. 

 Laboratory information system software

Instead of one-size-fits-all, we work with our new customers to determine which of the following tiers represents the ideal fit for them at present:

  • Essential Tier: An easy-to-use and straightforward LIS solution perfectly tailored for the needs of small pathology, molecular, and reference laboratories.
  • Professional Tier: A powerful LIS platform that measures up against the best laboratory information systems on the market by offering more sophisticated workflows, integration, and operational intelligence.
  • Advanced Tier: A robust LIS solution ideally suited to meet the needs of large, high-volume laboratories that demand top-level efficiency, automation, and informatics. This is the tier where LigoLab Informatics Platform rises above the competition. 
  • Enterprise Tier: An all-powerful and complete laboratory information system platform that offers customers total integration across multiple departments and sites, plus broad scalability and highly customizable workflows. Wide-reaching regional and national laboratories leverage this tier to process millions of diverse specimens annually. 

As a company, we’re approaching two decades of service as a dedicated laboratory informatics partner focused on bringing modernization and efficient growth to all our customers, no matter the stage of business or the organization’s budget. We understand what our customers need and prioritize this by delivering optimal value with customization, functionality, and pricing that aligns with their unique demands and goals. 

LIS systems

LigoLab’s Laboratory Information System Solution Specifically Designed for Mid-to-Large-Sized Laboratories

Now let’s take a closer look at LigoLab’s Advanced Tier and see why it truly is an ideal fit for expansive high-volume clinical labs and pathology groups that have outgrown the homegrown or legacy LIS systems in place currently. 

In addition to incorporating all of the modules available within the Professional Tier, the Advanced Tier also includes the following key features: 

Multi-Facility Support

With LigoLab’s Multi-Facility Support module, labs can handle the complexities and dynamics of multiple laboratory operations with one unified system. This level of advanced functionality is ideal for laboratory networks that operate across several locations, ensuring that each facility can work independently while still maintaining streamlined, cohesive management and visibility across all sites. 

The LigoLab platform is designed with the utmost flexibility to adapt to diverse user roles and responsibilities across an organization. With customizable user and group settings, staff members can be configured to have access and visibility that aligns with their specific roles, responsibilities, and workloads. 

Whether a user needs access to one or multiple facilities or visibility into specific test types, the LIS platform can be tailored to meet these requirements. This approach ensures that all personnel have precisely the right level of access to support their work without compromising the integrity or security of sensitive data. It also enhances lab workflow efficiency by ensuring that users are only presented with the relevant information and tasks they need to perform as part of their duties.

This level of user-specific customization is critical for labs with multiple facilities, diverse service lines, and varied user roles because it helps maintain high operational efficiency, supports role-based access controls, and respects healthcare data management's privacy and security requirements. 

With Multi-Facility Support, laboratories can configure site-specific workflows, policies, and reports, preserving each facility's individuality while enjoying the benefits of an integrated system. This includes supporting local operational requirements, customer preferences, and regional regulatory compliance without ever compromising on the consistency and efficiency provided by a unified LIS platform.

The Multi-Facility Support module is an example of how the LigoLab platform supports swift scalability, enabling laboratories to add more sites, enhance partnerships, and expand their operational footprint. Also important to note, this scalability is also facilitated by the platform's provision for unlimited sites and user licenses and the ability for licensees to sublicense the software. 

This unique offering opens up significant business opportunities, such as Technical Component/Professional Component partnerships with local providers and other laboratories. In such arrangements, one laboratory performs the technical component of a test (preparing and examining the sample), while another performs the professional component (interpreting the results). This shared approach maximizes resource utilization, extends service offerings, and enhances revenue opportunities, and all of this is powered by the platform's Multi-Facility Support module.

Send Out Tracking

The Send Out Tracking module serves as a comprehensive solution designed to manage the full range of tasks involved in sending specimens or tests to reference laboratories or across various laboratory facilities. 

This module automates the tedious task of filling out reference laboratory requisition forms. It automatically populates these forms based on the data already captured within the LIS system, reducing the time spent on paperwork and the potential for clerical errors.

Additionally, the module also supports electronic integration with reference laboratories, enabling seamless data exchange that ensures accuracy and efficiency. It's also able to generate manifests and keep track of each procedure with its unique turnaround times, thereby ensuring that each test is properly monitored from send-out to receipt.

Upon receipt of specimens or reports, the module enables easy registration of these items into the system, once again ensuring they're accurately tracked and accounted for. Received items can also be included in the final report to provide a comprehensive view of each case.

The Send Out Tracking module also supports internal transfers of specimens within laboratory facilities. The entire journey of a specimen, from collection to testing to final reporting, is completely tracked and managed within the system with this module.

CRM and Case Flagging

LigoLab's Customer Relationship Management (CRM) module is an integrated solution designed to streamline communication, manage customer interactions, track issues, and efficiently foster resolution.

This module provides a centralized location where all customer-related and quality assurance information can be accessed and managed. It assists in tracking customer interactions and managing customer support activities, thereby ensuring that all customer concerns are addressed promptly and effectively.

A standout feature within this module is the "Case Flagging" functionality. Case Flagging allows either operators or the automated rule engine to flag any entity with specific attributes, such as an Order, Test, Sample, Client, or Patient. These attributes act as markers that highlight specific issues or conditions that need to be addressed during processing. For instance, a flagged case may indicate a test result that needs a second review, a delay in the testing process, a call request, or an error in data entry.

With Case Flagging, tickets are automatically created in the CRM system, so when a flagged entity is detected, the system generates a ticket that outlines the issue and provides relevant details. This ticket is then tracked within the CRM system, ensuring all necessary actions are taken to resolve the issue.

With the integration of the CRM system and Case Flagging functionality, LigoLab's platform provides users with a comprehensive, automated, and highly efficient solution for managing internal and customer service issues with prompt issue resolution.

Workflow Engine

The Workflow Engine module automates, streamlines, and enhances a wide range of processes across clinical laboratory workflow. This module ensures maximum efficiency and effectiveness in lab operations by providing operators with dynamic automation and configuration capabilities.

At its core, the Workflow Engine serves as the 'brain' of laboratory operations. It handles the automation and routing of tasks based on preconfigured rules and protocols. Whether it's managing sample routing, result validation, or report generation, the Workflow Engine adapts to the unique requirements of a lab workflow.

This powerful engine not only automates the operational processes but also provides flexibility to model any workflow or any operational change. It empowers users to define rules and conditions for each workflow step, customize processes, and change routing based on test types, case types, or any other specific parameter.

The Workflow Engine supports decision-making based on real-time data, and this means that every step of the process is executed at the right time and in sequence. Its rule-based decision-making functionality allows for a seamless flow of operations while minimizing human errors and enhancing throughput. The result is a streamlined, efficient, and adaptable workflow that boosts productivity, ensures quality control, and delivers timely, accurate results. 

Customer Relationship Management

Rule Engine

The Rule Engine is a powerful feature that offers unprecedented control and automation across all facets of laboratory operations. It leverages LigoLab’s discreet data storage methodology that facilitates a highly flexible and customizable system to execute actions based on a multitude of conditions.

At the heart of the Rule Engine is its ability to define custom rules based on virtually any parameter or combination of conditions present within laboratory data. This can include but is not limited to patient demographics, test results, order details, or even the time of day.

These defined rules then trigger a wide array of actions, including:

  • Reflex Testing: The engine automatically reflexes additional tests based on specific results, ensuring fast and efficient processing without manual intervention.
  • Workflow Changes: The engine dynamically adjusts the workflow of specific samples based on various parameters, optimizing operations according to the lab's needs.
  • Document Generation: The engine triggers the creation of specific documents, be it reports, notifications, or requisitions, based on the defined conditions.
  • CPT Coding: The engine automatically assigns or adjusts CPT codes based on the specifics of the test or service performed, ensuring accurate lab billing and compliance.
  • External System Calls: The engine also interacts with external systems, allowing for seamless integration and coordination with other laboratory software systems or services.
  • Case Flagging: The engine flags cases, tests, samples, patients, or clients that meet specific criteria, signaling them for further attention or action, such as a customer service intervention.

By allowing such a high level of control and automation, the Rule Engine drastically reduces manual labor, increases operational efficiency, improves turnaround time, and minimizes errors, providing users with a robust tool to fine-tune and optimize laboratory operations to meet precise requirements.

The flexibility of the Rule Engine also extends to its implementation throughout the laboratory's workflow stages. Rules can be enacted at any point in the process, whether at order entry, during testing, or at the reporting stage. This means the system responds dynamically to evolving needs, ensuring optimal outcomes at each step. 

Also noteworthy, the rules can be scoped according to specific needs. They can be applied lab-wide, providing uniform guidelines across all departments, or they can be department-specific, enabling specialized rules for unique workflows or test types. This granular level of control ensures that each department can operate at its peak in terms of efficiency and accuracy.

Additionally, rules can be tied to individual ordering providers, allowing for adaption to each provider's unique needs and preferences, further enhancing service delivery and client satisfaction. 

Dynamic Reports

The Dynamic Reports module is a feature designed to give laboratory operators complete control over their data visualization and reporting needs. This intuitive, user-friendly tool allows users to construct their reports by harnessing the power of the LIS platform's discrete data elements.

The platform's reporting capabilities extend beyond pre-defined templates. They also support ad-hoc reporting, allowing users to generate custom reports on the fly to meet specific informational needs. This level of flexibility makes LigoLab's Dynamic Reports module a formidable tool for laboratories intent on maintaining operational excellence, enhancing productivity, and driving strategic growth.

With Dynamic Reports, reports can be tailored to fit unique operational requirements and analysis. Whether for tracking key performance metrics, analyzing trends over time, or compiling comprehensive summaries for audits or stakeholder updates, the module accommodates a wide array of use cases.

It's designed with a deep understanding of the needs of a modern laboratory and it's more than just a report generator; it's a tool for insights and decision-making. With it, operators can explore and analyze data on their terms, with full control over the layout and content of the reports.

In addition, the module offers robust features for data manipulation and representation, including sorting, grouping, filtering, and visual displays. This means the Dynamic Reports module can make the data tell a meaningful and relevant story in a specific context.


The Dashboards module is an interactive, dynamic tool designed to provide users with a real-time, at-a-glance view of their operational data. This module is focused on enhancing visualization, promoting quick access to essential data, and facilitating more informed decision-making within the laboratory.

Through an intuitive interface, users can construct personalized dashboards using a variety of widgets, each representing a specific dataset or key performance indicator (KPI). These widgets offer a rich visual representation of data, employing charts, graphs, tables, and other forms of data visualization for easy readability and interpretation. 

Be it to monitor the status of workflows, track turnaround times, analyze error rates, or keep an eye on financial metrics, users can quickly create a widget for each of these scenarios because the dashboard's responsive design allows the data to be viewed effectively, regardless of the device being used.

The Dashboards module promotes proactive operational management by enabling real-time monitoring. As data is updated within the LIS system, the widgets on the dashboard will automatically reflect these changes, allowing for instant awareness of any shifts or trends.

In addition to being a very useful tool for individuals, the Dashboards module is also an effective resource for teams and leadership. By creating and sharing dashboards, everyone in the lab has access to up-to-date information, promoting the desired transparency, alignment, and collaborative decision-making.

Read More: Understanding the Importance of Real-Time Analytics in the Modern Clinical Laboratory 

LIS system

Inventory & Supplies

The Inventory & Supplies module is a comprehensive solution designed to manage, track, and optimize all aspects of laboratory supply chain operations. From customer orders to internal usage, inventory control, and cost tracking, this module brings together all the elements necessary for efficient inventory management and cost containment.

This module allows clients to place orders for supplies directly within the LIS system, thereby streamlining order placement and enabling the laboratory to monitor and evaluate order patterns. If orders consistently exceed a customer's usual needs, the system can flag these anomalies for review, promoting better resource management and customer service.

Internally, the Inventory & Supplies module tracks the use of supplies within the laboratory. By monitoring the usage rates of various supplies, the laboratory can anticipate needs, manage reordering, and avoid the pitfalls of both being overstocked or short on crucial supplies. 

Inventory control is another critical aspect handled by this module thanks to its comprehensive tracking capabilities that allow operators to maintain real-time visibility into inventory levels, track the location of supplies within the facility, and monitor expiration dates to ensure the usability of what’s in stock.

The module also incorporates cost-tracking functionality. By accurately capturing and analyzing the cost of supplies, the laboratory can clearly understand its operational expenses. This feature supports cost management efforts and can inform strategic decision-making related to supplier negotiations, budgeting, and overall financial management.

Priority Support

LigoLab offers our customers two tailored tiers of support: Regular Support and Priority Support. These distinct support levels are designed to accommodate our customers' varying needs, offering flexibility and the assurance that our dedicated team is always at hand to help navigate any challenges and facilitate maximum utilization of the LigoLab platform. The primary differentiators between Regular Support and Priority Support lie in response speed and issue-reporting convenience.

Our Regular Support, included in all our service agreements, covers standard LIS software operation assistance, minor issue troubleshooting, software updates, and general inquiries. Under Regular Support, our customer service team commits to responding to your tickets within 24 hours. This level is suited for general questions and non-critical issues.

In contrast, Priority Support, offered as an upgrade option or bundled in our Advanced Tier package, is designed for customers who need immediate attention to pressing issues. This elevated support tier guarantees expedited response times within four hours, addressing high-priority issues with the urgency they require. 

Choosing Priority Support ensures that our top-tier technicians are promptly available to address critical issues that could significantly impact your operations. This upgraded service also provides customers with a direct communication channel for rapid issue reporting and resolution.

Regardless of the chosen support tier, LigoLab's steadfast commitment to delivering exceptional service and ensuring our customers' success remains unchanged. Whether relying on Regular Support or upgrading to Priority Support, our lab partners can count on our unwavering dedication to providing them with prompt and effective solutions to all their service needs.

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How LigoLab Separates Itself from Other Laboratory Information System Vendors

At LigoLab, we want what’s best for our laboratory partners. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive and agile lab information system that evolves as your laboratory grows and then added a tiered pricing model to match this flexibility.

To recap, the Advanced Tier is a robust and full-featured LIS solution ideally suited to meet the needs of large, high-volume, multi-facility laboratories that demand the highest levels of efficiency, automation, and data integrity. It’s one of four platform tiers that we offer so our lab partners can leverage the LIS software package that best fits them. 

Ready to move away from the homegrown or legacy LIS system that’s holding your lab business back? 

Then take the next big step toward a worry-free future knowing that your laboratory information system of choice is not only uniquely tailored to meet your present-day needs, but also engineered to support the modernization and scalability of your lab for years to come. 

Contact us today to learn more about the Advanced Tier.

Michael Kalinowski
Michael Handles Marketing and Communications for LigoLab

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