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LigoLab LIS Solutions

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LigoLab’s Enhanced Cybersecurity Solutions Give Customers Added Protection and Peace-of-Mind

LigoLab’s Enhanced Cybersecurity Solutions Give Customers Added Protection and Peace-of-Mind

Highlighting the Versatility of the TestDirectly Direct-to-Consumer Lab Testing Portal

Highlighting the Versatility of the TestDirectly Direct-to-Consumer Lab Testing Portal

LigoLab Announces Recent Laboratory Informatics Platform Updates

LigoLab Announces Recent Laboratory Informatics Platform Updates

What To Do When Your Laboratory Information System Is Sunsetting

What To Do When Your Laboratory Information System Is Sunsetting

How Pathology Specimen Tracking System Software is Reducing Lab Errors & Enhancing Patient Safety

How Pathology Specimen Tracking System Software is Reducing Lab Errors & Enhancing Patient Safety

Six Reasons Why You Should Choose an Integrated Laboratory Billing Solution for Your Medical Lab

Six Reasons Why You Should Choose an Integrated Laboratory Billing Solution for Your Medical Lab

Recapping LigoLab’s 2023 Team Event

Recapping LigoLab’s 2023 Team Event

LigoLab’s New Tiered Structure for its LIS Platform Delivers a Tailored Fit and Maximum Value

LigoLab’s New Tiered Pricing Model for its LIS Platform Delivers a Tailored Fit and Maximum Value

LigoLab’s Advanced Tier: The Ideal Fit for Expansive High-Volume Laboratories Seeking Top-Level Efficiency, Automation, and Insight

LigoLab’s Advanced Tier: The Ideal Fit for Expansive High-Volume Laboratories Seeking Top-Level Efficiency, Automation, and Insight

LigoLab’s Essential Tier: LIS Software Designed to Meet a Lab’s Basic Needs

LigoLab’s Essential Tier: LIS Software Designed to Meet a Lab’s Basic Needs

A Scalable LIS Solution for Molecular Testing Labs

A Scalable Solution for Molecular LIS Testing Labs

LIS System Enhancements and Features Showvcased at User Group 23

LIS System Enhancements and Features Showcased at User Group 23

A Recap of LigoLab's 2022 Holiday Retreat

A Recap of LigoLab's 2022 Holiday Retreat

The LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Operating Platform Now Features Web-Based Remote Ordering and Resulting

The LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Informatics Platform Now Features Web-Based Remote Ordering and Resulting

See How LigoLab’s Laboratory Operating Platform Rates Among the Competitors in the Annual CAP Today LIS Product Guide

See How LigoLab’s Laboratory Operating Platform Rates in the CAP Today LIS Product Guide

LigoLab Customer Review: Paulette Lewis Talks About Specimen Tracking and Replacing Manual Process with Automation

LigoLab Customer Review: Paulette Lewis Talks About Specimen Tracking and Replacing Manual Processes with Automation

Article of the day

How ECPC is Leveraging LigoLab’s LIS System to Streamline Pathology Lab Workflow and Expand Laboratory Operations

Article of the day

Learn How LigoLab’s LIS System Became the Centerpiece of Change for ECPC, a Thriving New England Pathology Practice

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