LigoLab Announces Recent Laboratory Informatics Platform Updates
March 25, 2024

LOS ANGELES, CA - LigoLab Information Systems, developers of the comprehensive and agile laboratory information system software solution known as LigoLab Informatics Platform, has announced several recent developments that will improve both the user experience and laboratory workflow management.
What follows is a summary of recent updates.
LigoLab and Cloud Readiness
The LigoLab development team continues to work behind the scenes on cloud readiness for LigoLab Informatics Platform. Every next version that’s released will seamlessly migrate more and more of the application functionality from the workstation to the server.
This migration is being performed without any disruption to the LIS system's functionality and is resulting in much faster performance of operational screens when operating at remote locations. For example, ordering, grossing, histology, and many other screens now perform at the same speed at remote locations as when working inside the laboratory. This migration also positions LigoLab’s laboratory partners well for moving their infrastructure to the cloud without any loss of productivity or performance with the application.
Home Screen Feature
This new feature allows users to build shortcuts to access frequently used queues via the Home Screen instead of the Sidebar Navigation. Queues are now represented on the Home Screen as cards and users can simply click on a card to be taken to its corresponding queue.
The cards also have a number displayed under their title. This number indicates the number of records currently pending in that queue.
Home Screen cards can be configured from the Administration module under “Dashboards” and “Home Screen Configuration” and cards can be restricted based on corresponding user permissions.
This feature is available in LigoLab version 2023.2.50 and higher.

Other Technical Updates
Here are a few other updates that LigoLab users should be aware of.
Single Sign-On - LigoLab’s new Single Sign-On (SSO) feature is a welcome addition for anyone struggling to remember and manage multiple passwords and user IDs.
- The SSO technology is being deployed to allow LigoLab engineers not to share the same admin credentials when logging into the platform to provide support.
- It can also be configured to allow a lab’s IT department to set up single sign-on authentication with the organization’s security and enable users to log into LigoLab using the same security credentials that they are using on the laboratory's network (e.g. Active Directory).
LigoLab Version 2023+ Upgrade - Starting with all 2023 versions of its LIS software application, LigoLab is using Java 17 or newer as the programming language and environment. Please note that this can pose challenges for some IT departments, so LigoLab has prepared this guide to help users better understand the process and answer any questions.
Changing the Way Laboratory Information System Companies Support Their Customers
For nearly two decades, LigoLab has successfully partnered with hundreds of laboratory facilities to help them modernize their operations by reducing complexity with standardization of pathology lab management.
By optimizing efficiency and enhancing decision-making for every role and every department within a laboratory, LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Informatics Platform™ empowers its customers to differentiate in their markets, scale efficiently, improve compliance, and increase their revenue and profit.
To learn more about LigoLab’s comprehensive and adaptable LIS software platform, please visit or click on this link to schedule a consultation with a LigoLab Informatics Platform specialist.