
All post by «

Specimen Tracking

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How Pathology Specimen Tracking System Software is Reducing Lab Errors & Enhancing Patient Safety

How Pathology Specimen Tracking System Software is Reducing Lab Errors & Enhancing Patient Safety

Optimizing Lab Operations: Tackling Labor Shortages with Modern Laboratory Information Systems

Optimizing Lab Operations: Tackling Labor Shortages with Modern Laboratory Information Systems

How Atlas Genomics Supported the Tahoma School District’s COVID-19 Testing Program and How Other Clinical Laboratories Can Follow Suit

How Atlas Genomics Supported the Tahoma School District’s COVID-19 Testing Program and How Other Clinical Laboratories Can Follow Suit

The LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Operating Platform Now Features Web-Based Remote Ordering and Resulting

The LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Informatics Platform Now Features Web-Based Remote Ordering and Resulting

Laboratory Billing Software

Laboratory Billing Software

Advances in Digital Pathology

Advances in Digital Pathology

Differences Between Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) and Laboratory Information Systems (LIS)

Differences Between Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS) and Laboratory Information Systems (LIS)

Telehealth and Direct-to-Consumer Testing Give Patients a Prominent Seat at the Healthcare Table

Telehealth and Direct-to-Consumer Testing Give Patients a Prominent Seat at the Healthcare Table

LigoLab's Grossing Touch Screen Window

LigoLab’s Grossing Workstation Window

Medical LIS Systems and LIS in Healthcare

Medical LIS Systems and LIS in Healthcare

How Specimen Tracking Software Improves Efficiency and Reduces the Chance for Diagnostic Errors

How Specimen Tracking Software Improves Efficiency and Reduces the Chance for Diagnostic Errors

TestDirectly: A Simple and Complete Solution for Labs Preparing for OSHA Employer Testing Requirements

TestDirectly: A Simple and Complete Solution for Labs Preparing for OSHA Employer Testing Requirements

See How LigoLab’s Laboratory Operating Platform Rates Among the Competitors in the Annual CAP Today LIS Product Guide

See How LigoLab’s Laboratory Operating Platform Rates in the CAP Today LIS Product Guide

How Lab Organization Software Makes Medical Labs More Efficient

Lab Organization Software

LigoLab’s Cloud-Based Direct-to-Consumer Portal Gives Patients Immediate and Easy Access To Their Personal Health Information

LigoLab’s Cloud-Based Direct-to-Consumer Portal Gives Patients Immediate and Easy Access To Their Personal Health Information

California Lab Partners with TestDirectly to Help a National Mortgage Company Bring People Back to its Offices

California Lab Partners with TestDirectly to Help a National Mortgage Company Bring People Back to its Offices

Leading Molecular Lab Teams with TestDirectly to Provide State-Wide COVID-19 School Surveillance Testing

Leading Molecular Lab Teams with TestDirectly to Provide State-Wide COVID-19 School Surveillance Testing

LigoLab Customer Review - David Gardiner Talks About LigoLab's Adaptability and the Platform's Reporting and Distribution Engines

LigoLab Customer Review - David Gardiner Talks About LigoLab's Adaptability and the Platform's Reporting and Distribution Engines

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