April 2021 LigoLab Newsletter: LigoLab's Direct-to-Consumer Web Portal Supports School Surveillance Testing

LigoLab's Direct-to-Consumer Web Portal Supports School Surveillance Testing

As school districts around the country welcome back students, teachers, and staff for in-person learning, there is a critical need for COVID-19 surveillance testing to assure a safe reopening for all. For clinical laboratories interested in partnering with these schools, LigoLab presents a one-stop solution.

The TestDirectly web portal makes it easy for providers and school administrators to manage patient engagement, sample collection, and testing while also automating result reporting for patients, schools, and government agencies.

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LigoLab LIS: The Cornerstone of a Powerful Laboratory Operating Platform

As a lab manager, the business plan is a simple one, and that's to grow and thrive. Too often, however, "thrive" is replaced by "survive" when outdated and non-integrated laboratory information systems (LIS) fail to meet the current challenges and create barriers that prevent growth.

Are you working with a legacy LIS that presents reliability and performance issues? Is it difficult to configure and lacking functionality? In an environment that's under constant change, laboratories need to remain modern by adopting innovative technologies and processes that streamline operations, maximize value, and improve customer relationships.

If you're searching for a laboratory information system that guards against lost specimens and leverages integration and intelligent automation to maximize throughput and drive up net collections, the LigoLab LIS & RCM Operating Platform might be just what you're looking for.

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LigoLab's Stage By Stage Approach to Implementation and Support

We know that making a switch from your current LIS/billing system to another system is a big decision that requires a significant amount of time, research, and due diligence. To help you through the process, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions that focus on implementation and support. Please take a few moments to review LigoLab's approach to both and see how we compare to other software vendors.

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