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Cole Diagnostics: On the Frontline and Helping Idaho Businesses Manage Their COVID-19 Testing Programs

Cole Diagnostics: On the Frontline and Helping Idaho Businesses Manage Their COVID-19 Testing Programs

LigoLab’s Cloud-Based Direct-to-Consumer Portal Gives Patients Immediate and Easy Access To Their Personal Health Information

LigoLab’s Cloud-Based Direct-to-Consumer Portal Gives Patients Immediate and Easy Access To Their Personal Health Information

What it Takes to Run a Turnkey School Surveillance Testing Program

A Turnkey Solution for Back to School COVID Testing

The Best Laboratory Information Systems: Software Solutions for Clinical and Pathology Labs

The Best Laboratory Information Systems: Software Solutions for Clinical and Pathology Labs

Article of the day

Expand Laboratory Services to the Home and Improve Patient Engagement with New Direct-to-Consumer Business Models

Article of the day

Laboratory Software Systems: What You Need to Know to Make an Informed Decision

Article of the day

LigoLab: Comprehensive and Flexible SaaS Solutions for Your Laboratory

TestDirectly Drive-through Workflow and Collection Facility Workflow Support (Video and Transcript)

TestDirectly Drive-through Workflow and Collection Facility Workflow Support (Video and Transcript)

Article of the day

LigoLab Adds LIS Functionality and Other Enhancements to TestDirectly, its Direct-to-Consumer Platform

Article of the day

Atlas Genomics Detects UK Coronavirus Variant with PCR Test, Result Confirmed with RNA Sequencing

Article of the day

Avunjian Earns Top Honor for the LigoLab and TestDirectly Response to COVID-19

Article of the day

Bellingham Lab Reaches COVID-19 Testing Milestone

Article of the day

A Medical Lab’s Journey to One Million COVID-19 Tests

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