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How Atlas Genomics Supported the Tahoma School District’s COVID-19 Testing Program and How Other Clinical Laboratories Can Follow Suit

How Atlas Genomics Supported the Tahoma School District’s COVID-19 Testing Program and How Other Clinical Laboratories Can Follow Suit

Cole Diagnostics: On the Frontline and Helping Idaho Businesses Manage Their COVID-19 Testing Programs

Cole Diagnostics: On the Frontline and Helping Idaho Businesses Manage Their COVID-19 Testing Programs

LigoLab Applauded by Frost & Sullivan for Transforming Diagnostic Laboratories with its All-in-One Integrated LIS & RCM Platform

LigoLab Applauded by Frost & Sullivan for Transforming Diagnostic Laboratories with its All-in-One Integrated LIS & RCM Platform

TestDirectly: A Simple and Complete Solution for Labs Preparing for OSHA Employer Testing Requirements

TestDirectly: A Simple and Complete Solution for Labs Preparing for OSHA Employer Testing Requirements

LigoLab’s Direct-to-Consumer Portal: An Innovative Solution for an Industry-Wide Problem

LigoLab’s Direct-to-Consumer Portal: An Innovative Solution for an Industry-Wide Problem

Molecular Labs Hold The Key to Evidence-Based Precision Medicine

Molecular Labs Hold the Key to Evidence-Based Precision Medicine

LigoLab’s Cloud-Based Direct-to-Consumer Portal Gives Patients Immediate and Easy Access To Their Personal Health Information

LigoLab’s Cloud-Based Direct-to-Consumer Portal Gives Patients Immediate and Easy Access To Their Personal Health Information

What it Takes to Run a Turnkey School Surveillance Testing Program

A Turnkey Solution for Back to School COVID Testing

California Lab Partners with TestDirectly to Help a National Mortgage Company Bring People Back to its Offices

California Lab Partners with TestDirectly to Help a National Mortgage Company Bring People Back to its Offices

Leading Molecular Lab Teams with TestDirectly to Provide State-Wide COVID-19 School Surveillance Testing

Leading Molecular Lab Teams with TestDirectly to Provide State-Wide COVID-19 School Surveillance Testing

Article of the day

How the Washington State Department of Corrections Manages its COVID-19 Organizational Testing Program

TestDirectly Drive-through Workflow and Collection Facility Workflow Support (Video and Transcript)

TestDirectly Drive-through Workflow and Collection Facility Workflow Support (Video and Transcript)

Article of the day

LigoLab’s Direct-to-Consumer Web Portal Supports School Surveillance Testing

Article of the day

LigoLab’s News and Notes Blog: Let’s Recognize Two of the Fastest Growing Labs in the Country

Article of the day

LigoLab Adds LIS Functionality and Other Enhancements to TestDirectly, its Direct-to-Consumer Platform

Article of the day

Atlas Genomics Detects UK Coronavirus Variant with PCR Test, Result Confirmed with RNA Sequencing

Article of the day

Is Your Clinical Laboratory Ready to Support The Biden Administration’s COVID Testing Plan?

Article of the day

How to Boost COVID Testing Capacity, Save on Resources, and Keep the Experience Stress-Free for the Patient

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