
LigoLab’s Fully Integrated Platform Features No-Touch Auto-Billing

LigoLab’s Fully Integrated Platform Features No-Touch Auto-Billing

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Los Angeles, CA, September 29, 2020- LigoLab’s fully integrated software infrastructure features No-Touch Auto-Billing, and laboratories across the country are using this functionality to automatically send out error-free and denial-free claims with zero human intervention just minutes after the final diagnosis. 

By leveraging the LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Operating Platform, laboratories benefit from a combined laboratory information system (LIS) and revenue cycle management (RCM) workflow that produces end-to-end data integrity. This enables users to start the revenue cycle at order entry, a real advantage that leads to a higher percentage of clean claims paid and saves both time and resources that would otherwise be spent by reworking denied claims.

“On average, our fully integrated client labs are utilizing auto-billing for about 40 percent of their claims, and that number continues to grow as the platform uses relevant data to drive continuous process improvement,” said LigoLab CEO Suren Avunjian. “With our platform, labs can automatically check insurance eligibility, and patient demographics as the case originates, auto code the case, and auto-bill the payer and the client. All of these steps require zero manual labor. It’s all done in minutes, and it results in more claims going out, faster payments, and no additional operating costs.”

“For labs doing high volumes of COVID-19 testing, the percentage of claims eligible for auto-billing typically goes much higher,” Avunjian continued. “We have labs that are auto-billing 90 percent of their claims.”

LigoLab’s all-in-one platform includes customizable modules for Anatomic Pathology (AP), Clinical Pathology (CP), Molecular Diagnostics (MDx), and RCM, plus supporting modules and supporting engines that connect, merge, and integrate all laboratory operations and financial processes on one common database and operating system. This means no more silos, no more middleware, and no more inconsistent data. 

Why Choose LigoLab?

LigoLab Information System is nationally recognized as a leading provider of innovative end-to-end healthcare software solutions. 

In Latin, Ligo means “to unite or to connect,” and that’s what LigoLab flawlessly does for its 100+ laboratory clients nationwide, providing them with a modern platform that automates processes, eliminates human errors, drives efficiency, and helps them become more profitable.

To learn more about LigoLab's fully integrated RCM, visit our Revenue Cycle Management Solutions page at LigoLab.com.

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