December 2022 LigoLab Newsletter: Practical Solutions to Combat Increasing Denials, Rising Labor Costs, and Eroding Margins

LigoLab Information Systems and G2 Intelligence are teaming up to bring you a timely and important webinar next week (Thursday, December 15, 1 p.m. Eastern/10 a.m. Pacific). The free webinar will focus on laboratory Revenue Cycle Management (RCM) issues like increasing denials, rising labor costs, and eroding margins. As part of the discussion, we'll also offer practical, technology-based solutions to help combat these issues that keep a laboratory from being profitable.
Leading the webinar will be LigoLab CEO Suren Avunijan and LigoLab Health Informatics Technologist Aram Avakyan.
We invite you to register and join us next week to gain a better understanding of the billing challenges present within our industry as well as the numerous practical benefits that can be realized by implementing advanced automation into the billing department.
We Understand That Selecting the Right LIS for Your Lab is a Mission Critical Decision
The LigoLab Platform is infinitely configurable and it features supporting engines that enable users to build custom rules and organized workflows that automate complex processes, reduce manual touchpoints, and improve turnaround times. Ready to sunset your current LIS? Then click the button below to book a customized demonstration with our software product specialists. Take the opportunity to learn why the fastest-growing labs in the country are using our platform.

How LigoLab Operating Platform Differs from Legacy LIS Systems
Clinical laboratories and pathology groups continue to take the pain associated with rigid, legacy laboratory information systems that lack both functionality and flexibility. That's a shame and unnecessary thanks to modern all-in-one systems like the LigoLab Operating Platform. These modern systems offer comprehensive solutions that seamlessly replace multiple disparate systems and their inherent inefficiencies, and by doing so enable the lab to rise above the competition and grow quickly.
To see how modern systems compare with legacy systems in terms of cost, automation, interoperability, report customization, ease of navigation, and specimen tracking, we invite you to click on the button below.

Industry Insights: 10 Clinical Laboratory Predictions for 2023
As we round out 2022 and look forward to the new year, it's interesting to think about what the future might hold.
Clinical Lab Products magazine took it even further recently by providing a platform for experts to weigh in and predict what to expect in 2023.
In this compelling article, industry leaders predicted that staffing issues and consolidation would continue. They also predicted further adoption of direct-to-consumer and at-home testing. Will all 10 predictions come true? Only time will tell.
To access the whole article and see all 10 expert predictions for 2023, including those from our own Suren Avunjian, simply click on the button below.
About LigoLab
LigoLab is an award-winning provider of innovative end-to-end healthcare software for pathology laboratories, servicing 150+ facilities nationwide. As a comprehensive enterprise-grade solution, the LigoLab LIS & RCM Laboratory Operating Platform™ includes modules for anatomic pathology, clinical pathology, molecular diagnostics, revenue cycle management, and direct-to-consumer, all on one powerful and integrated platform that supports every role, every department, and every case. LigoLab empowers laboratories to better serve patients, differentiate themselves in the marketplace, scale their operations, become more compliant, and more profitable.