
USCAP 2020 - Recapping a Great Event

USCAP 2020 - Recapping a Great Event

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And just like that, USCAP 2020 is in the rearview mirror. 

The three days that LigoLab exhibited as part of the event simply flew by. 

We’d like to thank the United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology for putting on a great show at the LA Convention Center. it was a real pleasure for us at LigoLab to meet pathologists from all over the world while representing our home base.

Suren, Roman and I called booth #221 on the exhibit floor our home for three days, and we really enjoyed interacting with event attendees and showing them our laboratory information software, the LigoLab LIS & RCM operating platform. 

We spoke with pathologists from as far away as Spain, Argentina, Poland, Japan, China, and Nigeria. We also made a great connection with a lab that, like us, is based right here in Los Angeles. 

A few takeaways from the event:

  • The LA Convention Center is huge! My Apple watch was busy counting all my steps as I toured West Hall, the massive hall that hosted all of the exhibitors, all three days.
  • Pathologists love customized reports! We spent a lot of time showing event attendees how easy it is for LigoLab clients to customize their reports. Our reports were on display during every on-site demo we did over the course of the three days we were there. 
  • Pathologists also love coffee! It should come as no surprise, but the exhibit floor was the busiest during event coffee breaks. These breaks occurred between sessions, allowing attendees to stretch their legs, visit with their colleagues, and see the latest vendor developments on display on the exhibit floor. 

In closing, USCAP, AIM Group International (the group in charge of exhibit management), and the staff at LA Convention Center all made the event fun and well worth our time. We enjoyed making the connections that we did with decision-makers from all across the globe, and we look forward to next year’s event.

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