
LigoLab Launches LIS Workflow for High-Volume COVID-19 Testing

LigoLab Launches LIS Workflow for High-Volume COVID-19 Testing

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LOS ANGELES, CA -- LigoLab Information System, today announced that the company is providing fully integrated and automated LIS support for client laboratories in California, Washington, and New York that are using FDA-approved instruments to perform high-volume COVID-19 tests.

LigoLab LIS & RCM Operating Platform has successfully integrated with instruments from Roche (Cobas 8800 and 6800 Systems), Thermo Fisher Scientific (Applied Biosystems 7500), QIAGEN (QIAstat-Dx Analyzer), Bio-Rad (CFX PCR Detection Systems), and Hologic (Panther Fusion system). 

LigoLab completed it’s system enhancements and validation for COVID-19 testing just days after the FDA started approving the instruments.

“We’ve been in constant contact with our client labs and we’ve deployed the solution in multiple high-volume laboratories,” said LigoLab Information System CEO Suren Avunjian. “I commend our customers in California, Washington, and New York, and our team here in Los Angeles for working around the clock to get this done in a matter of days.” 

In addition to interface support, the client labs are also utilizing LigoLab’s workflow support, automation, quality control, and reporting functionality.

“Our client laboratories were able to quickly bring up the test instruments,” said Avunjian. “The successful integration of the LigoLab interface with these instruments means they can now run thousands of automated COVID-19 tests per day. They can also track the specimens using our barcoded specimen tracking system, and rely on the automation built into the system to validate and distribute the results quickly.”

To ensure physicians and patients are notified as quickly as possible, upon completion of the result, LigoLab Operating Platform will distribute the patient reports using several channels, including a patient and provider portal, any EHR, and via email, fax, and SMS.

The World Health Organization (WHO) is urging all countries to test all suspected cases of COVID-19. That means there likely will be a need for millions of tests in the United States alone.

Because of this, Avunjian said LigoLab will deploy its LIS capabilities for any laboratory that will perform the COVID-19 test at no cost to help increase turn-around times and patient safety.

“Our team is busy deploying the platform to laboratories across the nation to do our part to increase testing capacity,” said Avunjian. Unfortunately, time is not on our side. We need to move fast.”

Additionally, patients will soon be able to order the COVID-19 test online through a LigoLab partnership with TestDirectly, a digital health company that specializes in direct to consumer clinical testing. In the next two weeks, consumers will be able to check symptoms, consult with a doctor using a built-in telemedicine platform, order the COVID-19 test, and get fast and safe results electronically with zero physical contact between the patient, the physician, and the nurse collecting the specimen.

The WHO advises that all confirmed COVID-19 cases, even mild cases, should be isolated in health facilities, to prevent transmission and provide adequate care.

For More Information: To learn more about LigoLab Operating Platform and how it supports laboratory testing for COVID-19 and its partnership with TestDirectly.com, contact Michael Kalinowski (michaelk@LigoLab.com or 310-227-7503). 

LigoLab Information System is the leading provider of an innovative laboratory information system software solution that meets the diverse needs of Molecular, Clinical, and Anatomic Pathology laboratories nationwide, driving efficiency, performance, and growth. 

Learn more at LigoLab.com

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