November 2024 Newsletter - What to Look Out for and Avoid When Shopping for a New LIS System

What to Look Out for and Avoid When Shopping for a New LIS System
To help support clinical and pathology labs either contemplating or actively shopping for a new laboratory information system (LIS), we’ve put together a guide highlighting potential pitfalls and key risks to watch for during the LIS system evaluation process.
This month’s feature article examines the "red flag warnings" everyone in the C-suite should understand and avoid, providing lab information system buyers with a head start on their selection journey.
Read the article and learn how to navigate the common traps that often derail successful LIS lab implementations.

Webinar Sign Up: Learn How Pathology Consultants is Leveraging Modern LIS Technology to Achieve Success
Running a lab is tough, but with the right moves supported by advanced laboratory information system software, obstacles can transform into opportunities and success can be achieved.
That's exactly what the leadership at Pathology Consultants discovered after transitioning from a shared legacy LIS system to LigoLab's all-in-one LIS & RCM Laboratory Informatics Platform.
You're invited to sign up for this month's webinar and discover how LigoLab's modern LIS system software and PC's desire to grow its business quickly and efficiently have directly impacted the lab, leading to improved workflow, productivity, communication, and an expansion of the test menu.
Webinar Details
📅 Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2024
⏰ Time: 1 p.m. Eastern, 10 a.m. Pacific
Join Kristie Becerra (LIS System Administrator at PC) and Allison Still (LIS Product Specialist at LigoLab) as they host this important webinar and discuss how PC has realized its growth goals since teaming with LigoLab.
Spotlight on Features Video: Introducing LigoLab's Advanced CRM Module
If your lab struggles with communication and tracking issues between departments or continues to use an antiquated system to manage customer relations, this month's spotlight on features video will interest you.
LigoLab's Customer Relationship Management (CRM) module is an integrated feature of the LigoLab platform designed to streamline communication, manage customer interactions, track issues, and efficiently foster resolution.
Here's your chance to see firsthand how this module provides a centralized location where all customer-related and quality assurance information can be accessed and managed. Click the link and watch our short video demonstration.
Questions About LigoLab's LIS and Laboratory Billing Solutions? Contact a Product Specialist
If your clinical lab or pathology practice is ready to embrace all the benefits of a much-needed digital transformation with a modern, comprehensive, and flexible all-in-one LIS & RCM platform the next step is easy. Get your questions answered today.