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Two of CLP's Top 5 Articles for 2022 Include LigoLab References

Two of CLP's Top 5 Articles for 2022 Include LigoLab References

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Just ahead of the new year, Clinical Lab Products magazine posted its Top 5 articles for 2022. The top articles were based on Google Analytics data as of Dec. 30, 2022.

We can proudly say that two of the 5 articles on the list had direct ties to LigoLab.

No. 2 on the list was 10 Clinical Laboratory Predictions for 2023. In this article, CLP gathered predictions from experts, including LigoLab CEO Suren Avunjian. Here’s a taste of what Suren predicted for 2023:

Staff Shortages Will Drive the Need to Increase Automation Processes

Perhaps as a sign of clinical laboratories themselves returning to normal is the renewed focus on a perennial problem: staff shortages, along with a need to invest in automation.

“With an unprecedented shortage of qualified technologists and technicians to staff labs, and the cost to employ them on the rise, more and more labs will be motivated to automate manual processes in 2023 to relieve their staffing burden and gain cost certainty,” says Suren Avunjian, founder and CEO of LigoLab. “By implementing the right technology and adding automation where possible to clinical and billing workflows, labs will be able to fill the gaps created by a lack of qualified personnel. They’ll also enjoy streamlined and more efficient operations. Upgrading away from legacy LIS will not only drive efficiencies in their organizations but also open up new opportunities to retain and capture new revenue streams.”

No. 3 on the list was The Causes and Potential Solutions for the Current Shortage of Clinical Laboratory Technologists. This article also had a LigoLab tie-in as Brian Fitzgerald, a healthcare and technology writer who’s authored many articles for LigoLab over the years documented the current state of affairs with quotes from Dr. James Crawford (MD, PhD, Senior Vice President for Laboratory Services at Northwell Health and Professor and Chair of Pathology/Lab Medicine at the Donald & Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell).

The article goes into great detail about what’s causing the current shortage and how it can be resolved. In the piece, Dr. Crawford also references the importance of IT support and modern laboratory information systems (LIS), noting that when done right, both can help solve the problem. 

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