Has Our Laboratory Outgrown its Laboratory Information System? 

Sign Up for LigoLab's December Webinar
1:00 pm
Eastern /
10:00 am

Do you view your laboratory information system as a limiting factor? Do you feel like it’s time to research alternative LIS systems? Not sure? Then we strongly encourage you to sign up for our December webinar where we’ll share tips on how to efficiently evaluate your current LIS solution to determine if a change is needed. 


Webinar Details

📅 Date: Tuesday, December 12 

⏰ Time: 1 p.m. Eastern, 10 a.m. Pacific


Webinar Overview

It may be an uncomfortable conversation among clinical laboratory leadership, but it’s an honest conversation that needs to take place for the good of the lab, both today and into the future.

Has our clinical laboratory or pathology practice outgrown its laboratory information system? Are there telltale signs that we can no longer ignore?  What alternatives are out there? How can we make sure that the new options we’re evaluating are truly an upgrade?

What Will Be Covered

Whether it’s a high-volume full-service clinical laboratory, a growing pathology group, or a molecular diagnostics start-up lab, the importance of comprehensive and flexible LIS software cannot be overstated. Without this, expanding as a business and evolving to meet new industry challenges is virtually impossible. 

In most cases, legacy LIS systems and homegrown pathology lab software solutions aren’t built with flexibility and scaling in mind. Because of this, labs can quickly outgrow them, and instead of serving as the backbone of a thriving laboratory operation, they can unfortunately become a major barrier to business success. 

During this webinar, LigoLab CEO Suren Avunjian and Independent Consultant Dennis Winsten will share tips on how you can evaluate your current LIS system. They’ll also offer advice on what to look for - and what red flags to be aware of - when researching other LIS systems.  

Webinar Takeaways

We’ll demonstrate how the best LIS software no longer has a shelf life, and we’ll highlight how an advanced LIS system supported by a true informatics partner future-proofs lab operations by adapting and scaling as the lab does, enabling the business to reach its full potential faster. 

Webinar Hosts 

Suren Avunjian

LigoLab CEO

Dennis Winsten

Independent Consultant

Michael Kalinowski 

Communications & Marketing


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1:00 pm
10:00 am

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Allison Still

LIS Product Specialist

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