
How LigoLab is Helping Labs Optimize Specimen Storage and Retrieval

How LigoLab is Helping Labs Optimize Specimen Storage and Retrieval

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Specimen storage and retrieval are part of the daily routine for laboratories across the country, but as labs grow and volumes increase, both can become time-consuming tasks and laboratory headaches.

Imagine walking into a warehouse filled to the brink with storage racks full of specimens, and not knowing where to start to find the exact sample you’re looking for. 

Now imagine walking into that same warehouse, but armed with the full coordinates needed to tell you exactly where the sample is located, allowing you to quickly find the room or location, storage rack, drawer, and position inside the drawer where the sample resides. 

Thanks to a joint effort from LigoLab’s support team and one of its client labs, it’s now possible to locate exactly where a specimen is in a matter of seconds. This new tool can be easily configured to help large high-volume labs.

“From the idea to configuration, the turnaround was very fast because a very workable framework was already in place,” said Frank Lee, Manager of Customer Success. “Our platform has a robust tracking module, and it enables many entities to be put into a rack and tracked, so the solution was fairly simple.” 

“Our team configured to pull a rack ID rather than a specimen ID from the LigoLab LIS. Now the system is able to support storage racks, and users can run a dynamic report to quickly search for and locate an exact specimen without wasting valuable time,” said Lee. 

Emanuel Basag-Taroata, Lead of Customer Success, said the entire support team was happy to implement this new concept because it would fill a void and provide a needed solution for labs struggling to remain efficient and organized.

“We've created a system for storage racks and the solution is scalable,” said Basag-Taroata. “That means we can take this concept and apply it for labs that utilize thousands of square feet of warehouse space. As soon as they go into that warehouse, they know exactly where to go to pull that one single slide.” 

Basag-Taroata said large labs with multiple racks will definitely benefit from this LigoLab enhancement. Even better, the enhancement is available to all LigoLab clients and can be implemented quickly without costly development charges.

To learn more about LigoLab’s specimen storage and retrieval solution, schedule an appointment or call LigoLab Support at 1-800-LIGOLAB (544-6522).

LigoLab Information System is the leading provider of an innovative laboratory management software solution that meets the diverse needs of Molecular, Clinical, and Anatomic Pathology laboratories nationwide, driving efficiency, performance, and growth.

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