Tour LigoLab’s Clinical Laboratory Module!

We invite you to sign up for our next webinar and join LIS Product Specialist Allison Still for an expert tour of our platform’s Clinical Laboratory solution.
1:00 pm
Eastern /
10:00 am

Webinar Overview

It’s no secret that clinical and reference laboratories rely heavily on laboratory information systems to efficiently manage high-volume diagnostic testing for their provider client base. Still, some systems are more advanced than others, with legacy and homegrown lab information systems often struggling to conform to the new realities of today’s clinical lab.  

It’s our aim through this webinar to demonstrate how a modern LIS platform can remove limitations with efficiency, interoperability, and compliance that may be adversely affecting the accuracy and reliability of your organization’s diagnostic testing. 


Webinar Details

📅 Date: Wednesday, November 1 

⏰ Time: 1 p.m. Eastern, 10 a.m. Pacific


What We Plan to Cover During the Tour

LigoLab’s Clinical Laboratory Module manages, automates, and simplifies complex processes, reducing potential diagnostic error and the need for human intervention (and its associated operating costs). The platform also excels in both interoperability with other healthcare systems and connectivity with analyzers and instruments. 

Allison will demonstrate this during the tour by highlighting the following features and functionality:

  • Specimen Tracking
  • Worklists & Batching
  • Results Entry & Verification
  • QA & Statistical Reporting

After wrapping up the tour, she’ll also host a Q&A. 

Webinar Takeaways

Industry professionals who attend this webinar will come away with a better understanding of the difference between legacy LIS systems that lack automation and configurability, and advanced laboratory information systems that are both agile and packed with every essential feature a modern clinical laboratory should ever need. They’ll also see how a modern lab information system can align with a lab and adapt to changing needs and expanded services as the business scales up. 

Webinar Tour Guide

Allison Still

LIS Product Specialist

Allison is an experienced LIS Product Specialist and a former Operations Analyst and LIS Consultant. She expertly uses her past on-the-job experience within a clinical lab to work with LigoLab’s developers and constantly improve LigoLab Informatics Platform

To learn more about LigoLab's Clinical Laboratory Module, click here.


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1:00 pm
10:00 am

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Allison Still

LIS Product Specialist

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