
LigoLab’s Professional Tier: A Powerful Laboratory Information System Solution for Growing Laboratories

LigoLab’s Professional Tier: A Powerful Laboratory Information System Solution for Growing Laboratories

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Recently we covered a shared frustration among independent clinical laboratories and pathology groups, and that’s the one-size-fits-all laboratory information system mentality that continues to dominate the industry. The belief held by most laboratory information system companies is that laboratory customers should accept the medical LIS software as is and “make it work.” 

At LigoLab, we believe this is a flawed approach and not in the best interest of the medical laboratories that represent such a critical role in healthcare. These labs should be able to work with laboratory information systems and laboratory information system vendors that offer flexible pathology lab software solutions. Solutions that consider each customer’s unique needs, workflows, and growth plans.

For nearly two decades, LigoLab has been helping its medical lab partners modernize and efficiently grow their lab operations by providing lab information systems that deliver maximum value by tailoring features and functionality to fit the lab, not the other way around. We understand that enterprise-grade pathology LIS systems are a perfect fit for some customers, but not all. That’s why we developed LigoLab Informatics Platform as the most comprehensive and flexible LIS software platform available and then added tiered pricing options for our LIS model to match this flexibility.

The four platform tiers include:

  • Essential Tier: An intuitive and straightforward LIS system tailored for small pathology, molecular, and reference laboratory workflow.
  • Professional Tier: A comprehensive laboratory information system platform that aligns with the more robust LIS systems on the market and supports more sophisticated workflows, integration, and operational intelligence.
  • Advanced Tier: Ideally suited for more extensive, high-volume laboratories that seek top-tier efficiency, automation, and data-driven decision-making. This is where LigoLab sets itself apart from other LIS software vendors. 
  • Enterprise Tier: A powerful and complete laboratory information system platform that offers total integration across multiple departments or sites, broad scalability, and highly customizable workflows that are leveraged by large, regional, and national laboratories processing millions of diverse specimens per year.

LigoLab’s tiered pricing allows medical labs to choose the LIS pathology solution that fits their budget and growth goals. With this approach, labs of all sizes not only gain laboratory information systems that can immediately impact all lab operations and support lab staff to do more with less but also acquire a lab informatics foundation and a clear roadmap for future development as the organization scales.

LigoLab Informatics Platform

The Best Laboratory Information Systems for Established and Growing Labs

LigoLab’s Professional Tier is a highly capable laboratory information system solution for established laboratories ready to scale their operations. This tier encompasses not only all the modules and features found in the Essential Tier but also incorporates additional sophisticated functionalities to enhance laboratory workflow, laboratory connectivity, and overall lab operational visibility.

The Professional Tier also serves as a foundation for future growth with both the Advanced Tier and the Enterprise Tier available as same-system upgrades when the lab requires new features and functionality. This is noteworthy because rather than switching LIS systems to expand their businesses, LigoLab users simply move into a higher licensing tier and a more powerful LIS system. 

Here’s a detailed description of what’s included in the Professional Tier.

Grossing Touchscreen

LigoLab's Grossing Touchscreen functionality gives users an unparalleled experience as it streamlines laboratory workflow while ensuring accuracy and efficiency for every process. The Touchscreen offers a comprehensive, intuitive, and customizable LIS system interface for grossing technologists, enabling them to seamlessly handle specimens, the protocol application, the order processing for additional blocks and stains, and just-in-time cassette printing. 

With LigoLab’s lab sample management system, each specimen is assigned a unique ID for easy sample tracking and reference, enhancing traceability and accountability within the lab. Additional verification steps can also be enabled to enhance specimen control and the specimen’s chain of custody. 

The Touchscreen also includes another standout feature that allows for the integration of voice control technology (pathology dictation software) and hands-free operation. Technologists can control the LIS system, view scanned requisitions, look up previous history, and input gross descriptions via voice-to-text technology. They can also use speedy, restaurant-style (large buttons and shortcuts) ordering capabilities with a stylus that gives users an added layer of convenience and adaptability. Using the LIS system this way is especially beneficial during complex procedure entries, allowing the technologist to provide detailed and accurate descriptions without obstruction.

Grossing Touchscreen capabilities within the anatomical pathology software enable technologists to capture the number of fragments, input gross descriptions, and capture macro images as the system combines state-of-the-art technology with a user-friendly design, creating an efficient, productive, and adaptable workspace environment. 

Read More: A Closer Look at LigoLab’s Grossing Touchscreen Functionality 

Document Scanning

LigoLab's Document Scanning module is integrated within the LIS system platform and designed to digitize and manage all documents seamlessly and securely. With this powerful tool, medical labs can enhance clinical lab workflow, promote data integrity, and support a paperless environment.

The module’s flexibility is the key, thereby allowing immediate document scanning right after the order entry stage. This is especially beneficial for anatomic pathology cases because they immediately move to the grossing stage. The rapid capture also ensures that documents related to a specific case are available for review instantly, making the process more efficient while decreasing the chance of misplaced or lost valuable data.

The module also supports centralized batch scanning, which enables a large volume of documents to be scanned and organized efficiently. This is an especially useful medical LIS application for large-scale operations or when handling a large influx of documents.

The module also features built-in document security measures that ensure the protection and confidentiality of sensitive patient information by adhering to strict HIPAA compliance standards.

The module goes beyond just digitizing. It’s also designed to streamline clinical lab workflow by automatically scanning and attaching external reports to their respective cases and integrating them directly into the report. This speeds up the process, and it reduces the need for manual intervention and the potential for error.

The module can also be used to automatically dispatch external reports to the ordering provider, cultivating a faster and smoother channel of communication. This also enhances the overall customer service experience and ultimately contributes to more patient satisfaction and better care outcomes.

Specimen Handling

LigoLab's Specimen Handling, Tracking, and Security module is an efficiency tracking software solution that delivers the highest level of care for every specimen, starting with order entry and continuing through to the final disposition. The module is designed to enhance specimen integrity, increase productivity, and just as importantly, ensure regulatory compliance within the laboratory.

The key to this module rests within its lab sample management system. It assigns a unique identifier to each specimen, ensuring its distinct identification and traceability throughout its lifecycle, from accessioning, processing, testing, racking, storage, and final disposition.

The module offers real-time location sample tracking and instant visibility into every specimen's location and status, enhancing productivity by reducing search time and minimizing misplacements and mix-ups.

The module also captures detailed log entries of all handling activities, including the technician involved, the date, the time, and any other notes or observations made during the handling process. A comprehensive audit trail such as this ensures accountability, quality control, and regulatory compliance.

The module also incorporates the most stringent security measures. For instance, it ensures that only authorized personnel have access to specimens and that each access point is logged and traceable. This protects specimen integrity and upholds the confidentiality and security of patient data. 

Additionally, this module supports proper specimen storage and disposal procedures. It can generate alerts for specimen disposal timelines based on predefined rules to make sure that specimens are disposed of following regulatory standards.

Read More: How LigoLab is Helping Labs Optimize Specimen Storage and Retrieval

Synoptic Reports

​​LigoLab's integrated College of American Pathologists (CAP) Synoptic Reports module helps elevate the standard of pathology lab reporting software by aligning with CAP protocols that are internationally recognized as best practices for reporting specific cancer types.

This specialized module facilitates structured, comprehensive, and uniform reporting of cancer pathology findings and assists pathologists with clearly and systematically documenting critical cancer data, ensuring that all necessary information is included and easily understood.

Because the CAP Synoptic Reports module is seamlessly integrated with the rest of LigoLab's LIS system platform, the reports can be directly populated from the results captured during the diagnostic process. The module uses CAP electronic Cancer Checklists (eCC) that allow pathologists to input data directly into predefined fields, reducing the risk of omission and enhancing data accuracy. The standardized structure also aids in lab database software analysis and research.

The module provides real-time updates and biannually incorporates the most recent versions of the CAP protocols. This means the lab stays current with the latest standards of care, contributes to high-quality patient care, and satisfies accreditation and regulatory requirements. Even better, the module comes with no additional cost as it’s bundled into the Professional Tier of LigoLab service. 

Synoptic Reports

Digital Pathology

The integration of Digital Pathology solutions into the LigoLab workflow serves as a powerful example of how modern technology and the benefits of digital pathology can drastically improve diagnostic efficiency and accuracy within the lab environment. 

LigoLab's platform is agnostic to whole slide imagers, making it compatible with various imaging technologies. This flexibility allows laboratories to choose the imaging equipment that best suits their needs without compromising on LIS software integration while also creating a seamless connection between laboratory operations and digital imaging. 

In practice, when a pathologist is ready to review a case, the Ligolab LIS lab platform can automatically launch the appropriate viewer in a single sign-on mode that expedites the process by avoiding the need for multiple log-ins and transitions between different laboratory software systems. Instead, the pathologist is directed instantly to the proper case and slides within the same unified LigoLab environment.

This digital pathology workflow integration allows the return of field-of-view images and analysis into the LigoLab platform. This means all annotations, measurements, or other analytical data created during the digital slide review are automatically captured and stored within the lab information system, and ready for sign-out. 

Integrating digital pathology into the LigoLab workflow increases efficiency and greatly enhances the pathologist's ability to make precise diagnoses and consultations.

Read More: Digital Pathology: The Future is Here 

Quality Control

LigoLab's Quality Control (QC) module is a powerful and comprehensive tool designed to uphold the highest standards of clinical laboratory workflow operations. The module systematically tracks, monitors, and analyzes various aspects of laboratory workflow, ensuring the consistent delivery of accurate and reliable results.

The QC module is configured to allow users to establish QC rules for each test and monitor QC outcomes. It can measure these outcomes against Total Error Allowable (TEa) and Biological Variance. TEa considers both the analytical and preanalytical errors providing a more realistic picture of overall performance. Biological Variance allows for understanding normal fluctuations in patient results, adding a layer of accuracy to the lab’s performance metrics.

Interactive real-time data charts provide a visual snapshot of laboratory performance, contributing to the timely identification of trends and deviations. Such insight empowers quick, informed decision-making, thus ensuring any deviations are addressed promptly to maintain the highest level of laboratory operations.

The QC module shines when dealing with high volumes of complex tests, as it systematically reduces errors and improves efficiency. It supports Westgard rules, Levey-Jennings charts, and other statistical process control methods, delivering a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of the lab's testing process.

The module's integration with other LigoLab modules results in complete transparency across the lab workflow. It also allows for the flagging of samples that fail to meet set criteria during the preanalytical phase and highlights errors during the analytical phase.

Also noteworthy, the module eases the process of maintaining compliance with regulatory bodies such as CAP and CLIA. It does so by generating detailed, compliant reports to meet agency requirements. All QC data are archived for future audits and inspections, simplifying what’s usually a painstaking process.

Statistical Reports

LigoLab’s LIS system software platform provides an expansive library of Statistical Reports, offering hundreds of customizable templates for labs to analyze their data from multiple perspectives. This robust reporting capability provides valuable insights that lead to informed decision-making and efficiency and performance improvements.

The range of statistical reports spans all aspects of laboratory operation, performance metrics, QC Control Reports, Test Utilization, and Operational and Productivity Reports. 

These customized reports can be automated to suit a lab’s unique needs and preferences, ensuring that the most relevant information is readily and easily available. All reports can be exported in several formats (including CSV, Excel, PDF, etc.) for further analysis or presentation.

In addition to what’s already been mentioned, the LigoLab platform provides ready-to-use reports to comply with the College of American Pathologists (CAP) and Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments regulations (CLIA). 

For CAP Reports, the reporting module generates comprehensive reports for CAP inspection readiness. The reports cover various areas, including proficiency testing, personnel competency, equipment calibration and maintenance records, quality control, and more. 

For CLIA Reports, the reporting module supports the requirements set for laboratory compliance and accreditation, including documentation on personnel qualifications, quality control statistics, proficiency testing performance, and more.

The LigoLab platform’s ability to generate CAP and CLIA compliance reports as part of its built-in functionality ensures high standards of quality and safety. These reports also streamline the accreditation and inspection process, saving significant time and effort while doing so. Lastly, they are regularly updated with changes to regulations so lab management can confidently rely on the pathology management software to access the most up-to-date compliance reporting as needed. 

Provider Portal

LigoLab's Provider Portal is an easy-to-use and secure web-based LIS software application that enhances communication and collaboration between the lab and its providers. It is designed to streamline the ordering process and ensure that the lab’s providers have access to critical information whenever and wherever they need it.

Order Submission: Thanks to the portal, providers and office staff can quickly and conveniently submit orders online, thereby eliminating the need for paper requisitions. The portal serves as an extension of the laboratory information system, guiding the user through the ordering process, capturing the necessary patient demographics, clinical history, ask-at-order-entry questions, specimens, and the tests required. The portal even provides timely updates as part of a workflow that significantly reduces the chance of errors and the time it takes to place an order.

Order Tracking: Once an order has been submitted, providers can track its progress in real-time. This level of transparency lets providers know exactly when they can expect results and it provides them with a sense of assurance, knowing that their orders are being processed promptly and efficiently.

Courier Manifests: A key feature that the provider portal supports is the generation of courier manifests. These manifests offer a clear and organized method for managing daily specimen pickups from the lab’s providers.

The courier manifest feature brings organization and transparency to courier management. It aids in the efficient handling of specimens, reduces the risk of errors or missed pickups, and facilitates a smooth transition of specimens from the providers to the lab. It also enhances communication between the lab, providers, and couriers, making it an essential part of a growing lab’s comprehensive solution.

Report Retrieval: Lab reports are directly uploaded to the provider portal upon completion. At this point, providers are notified that they can access, download, or print the reports at their convenience while enjoying a faster turnaround time for patient treatment decisions.

Messaging Feature: The provider portal also serves as an extra communication link between parties, enabling the lab to send important notifications or messages to providers when the need arises. 

Read More: Introducing LigoLab Web Connect 


LigoLab’s LIS medical platform includes an Integrated Cloud Faxing module designed to streamline and modernize a laboratory's communication process. This important feature moves beyond the limitations of traditional fax machines, offering a more reliable and efficient method of sending and receiving important documents. 

The Cloud Faxing module lets users send reports and documents directly from the LIS system platform. This removes the need for a physical fax machine or separate fax software. Instead, the platform can automatically dispatch reports at a schedule and preference of the provider, or it can be manually evoked by an operator. Either way, the faxing process is swift and seamless. 

The module is fully HIPAA-compliant and ensures the secure transmission of all sensitive information. It also maintains a digital record of all sent and received faxes, making tracking and managing fax communications much easier than before.

This solution comes at no additional cost. Like the CAP Synoptic Reports module mentioned earlier, the Integrated Cloud Faxing module is bundled with the Professional Tier of LigoLab service.

LIS platform

LigoLab: LIS Software Vendors Dedicated to Offering the Best LIS

At LigoLab, we want what’s best for our laboratory partners. That’s why we’ve engineered what’s considered to be the best LIS, a comprehensive and agile lab information system that evolves as your laboratory grows, and then put together a tiered pricing model to match. 

To recap, the Professional Tier is one of four platform tiers that we offer, thus empowering our lab partners to leverage the LIS software package that best fits them to quickly and efficiently grow their lab businesses. 

The Professional Tier aligns well with the more robust laboratory information systems out there because it includes all the modules and features present in the Essential Tier and additional advanced capabilities, plus LigoLab’s award-winning service and support

Ready to take the next big step toward a laboratory information system workhorse and a more efficient and advanced laboratory workflow? 

Contact us today to learn more about the Professional Tier.

Michael Kalinowski
Michael Handles Marketing and Communications for LigoLab

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