
LigoLab Customer Review: Ron Sconyers Talks About LigoLab's Lab Software Features and Support

LigoLab Customer Review: Ron Sconyers Talks About LigoLab's Lab Software Features and Support

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Hi, I'm Ron Sconyers, COO of Metropolitan Pathologist in Denver, Colorado. Metropolitan pathologist has been around since 1903. So it's a long standing organization with a great reputation in Denver and the state of Colorado. After I took over, I was aware of the limitations on the computer system that we had. It was homegrown, it was working, but there were many limitations.

So we started looking for a replacement. And actually just happened to hear about LigoLab, and we started pursuing it and looking into it and what it had to offer. We made site visits, we visited corporate headquarters, and came away with the impression that I've said many, many times, and I still say, and still believe, that it's the best designed system, the way it's structured, the way it's put together.

I've been in the lab business for many, many years. So we started working back when LigoLab was much smaller, but we came away, always came away, with the impression of the group being responsive and listening into what our needs are and what we were going to do.

The arching theme that I'd like to project is that LigoLab was very responsive in dealing with issues. Finding them, trying to figure out what the answer was, and coming back and finding the right solution. We have found that in analyzing our processes and trying to figure out ways that we can improve things to take advantage of it.

Generally there's a solution that LigoLab will offer, and will be able to provide you with, to accomplish what you want to accomplish. Our business is incredibly competitive in the Denver area, and so we constantly have to be able to provide, to use these features, in order to remain competitive.

The overall impressions, again, are that LigoLab will be supportive. LigoLab, and their support team, as they've grown, they've implemented many support structures that allow you to report problems, and they follow up. So as you can tell, I'm a big fan. I'm also the first to criticize when it, when it's appropriate, but overall I'm a big fan of LigoLab, and what it has to offer.

Probably our largest growth area is molecular, so with LigoLab we've been able to develop interfaces, both unidirectional and bi-directional, to assist us in our workflow. And then another area that has been big for us is the configuration of rules. It's got such a powerful, incredible rules engine that when we get unique requests from our customers or providers, we're able to provide that so we don't have to use what I call the sticky note method to remember thatdoctor wants this, onthe other one wants that. With the rules engine you're able to control all those things and provide the unique one-off requests from our providers.

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