
Finding it harder for your laboratory to maintain historic margins due to increasing industry challenges?

If so, you’re not alone. 

Share your thoughts in this brief survey questionnaire and we’ll send you the full report.

Please answer the questions below, we are waiting for your answers



What are your top three overall business challenges?
Select the top 3
minmax 3-3
  1. Payer rejections and denials
  2. Increasingly complex and stricter regulatory requirements 
  3. Decreasing per-test net profit 
  4. Increased industry competition 
  5. Increase in lower margin testing trends
  6. Labor shortage and rising labor costs

August 31, 2022



Anything more you’d like to provide regarding your overall business challenges?

September 16, 2022



What solutions to your current billing specific challenges are of most interest?
Сheck all that apply
  1. Automate coding and billing
  2. Reduce user error
  3. Simplify and expedite billing workflow processes
  4. Manage and configure workflow 
  5. Maximize clean claim pass rate
  6. Automate rejections, denials, and appeals processes
  7. Generate executive level fiscal and statistical metric reporting and dashboards 

September 15, 2022



Any other particular solutions to billing challenges you’d like to see?

August 30, 2022



Rank the following goals level of importance to you.
1=most, 5= least
ranking 1-5
  1. Unify the laboratory and billing ecosystem with an integrated RCM platform.
  2. Reduce denials with powerful and intelligent claim scrubbing tools.
  3. Simplify and automate much of the billing workflow processes.
  4. Deliver a single data entity detailing all patient/payer info, LIS, and RCM data.
  5. Expanding and accommodating new testing methodologies into the billing workflow.

September 16, 2022



Which of the following features would benefit your lab operations?
Сheck all that apply
  1. LIS & RCM integration
  2. Workflow automation
  3. Operational transparency
  4. Demographics validation
  5. Insurance discovery and eligibility
  6. Auto billing 

September 19, 2022



Are there any other specific features that your laboratory operations would benefit from?

August 30, 2022



What are your biggest concerns when planning to upgrade your current software platform?
Сheck all that apply
  1. Initial start-up cost 
  2. Overall ongoing cost/unknown future cost
  3. New platform learning curve 
  4. Long term cost justification 
  5. Per test/report fees 
  6. Other

September 19, 2022



In what area of your business do you recognize the most revenue loss?
Select the top 3
minmax 3-3
  1. Denials and rejected appeals
  2. Inaccurate payments versus payer contractual agreement
  3. Increased processing time due to labor shortage/staffing abilities 
  4. Billing related user error 
  5. Circumstantial decreases in profitable testing
  6. Other

September 16, 2022



What are the top three areas of improvement needed in your current software platform?
Select the top 3
minmax 3-3
  1. Less complex and cumbersome user experience 
  2. Billing and coding automation (TC/PC splitting)
  3. Upfront demographic validation and insurance eligibility
  4. Upfront insurance discovery
  5. Automated workflow processes
  6. Other

September 1, 2022



What are the top three challenges you are experiencing that are prompting the need to potentially upgrade your current software now?
Select the top 3
minmax 3-3
  1. Rigid platform unable to pivot to new business opportunities’ process requirements
  2. Cumbersome, non-intuitive multi-siloed platform requiring excessive touchpoints to process workflow
  3. Changing regulatory requirements
  4. Increasing denials
  5. Decreasing margins
  6. Labor shortages/rising labor costs
  7. Volume increase not effectively supported 
  8. Increasing competition 
  9. Other

September 16, 2022

Thank you.
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Thank you for completing the survey.
We’ll tabulate the results and share them soon. We hope this will shed some light on the challenges labs are facing in these increasingly competitive times.
The LigoLab LIS & RCM platform has been designed to address the many challenges labs are experiencing, and assist in streamlining workflow efficiency with powerful software automation. This helps reduce denials, increases net collections, and future-proofs labs to easily pivot their business in response to any changing environmental trends.
To learn more about the LigoLab Platform, click here. To schedule a quick call to talk with one of our LigoLab specialists, click here, as we’d be happy to better understand your needs and answer any questions you may have.
Thank you once again, and we look forward to sharing the results and connecting soon.
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